torstai 1. marraskuuta 2012


Here are some guidelines to how this blog works - languagewise. Some of the words in the texts are written with paks letters. Those words you will find written in thick in the vocabulary as well. These words can be either Finnish, Estonian or English.  There is a mishmash of the three blog languages sihilikult. Based on the fact that learning a kieli requires a flexible mind - a bit like a child's. Whatever your emakeel, you may find tugi in the other two languages.  It is a constant adventure!

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
jatkuva = alatine = constant
joko... tai... = kas... või... =  either...or...
joustava = järeleandlik = flexible
kieli = keel = language
kirjain = täht = letter (a,b,c etc)
kirjoitettuna = written
lapsi = laps = child
mieli = mõistus, meel = mind
nämä sanat  = need sõnad = these words
opastus = juhend, juhtnöör = guidelines
paksu = paks = thick
perustua =   põhineda (millelgi)  = to be based (on)
seikkailu = seiklus = adventure
sekamelska = segadus = mishmash, hodgepodge
tarkoituksella = sihilikult  =  on purpose
toimia = tööta = to work, function
tosiasia = tõsiasi, fakt = fact
tuki = tugi = support
vaatia = nõuda =  to require
äidinkieli = emakeel = mother tongue

Comments appreciated

Updated 1.11.2012

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