Here is some more about yesterday's hurricane news in Postimees: New Yorgis elava eestlanna Karoliina Raudsepa sõnul on seal praeguseks tuul juba väga tugev, murdunud on palju puid ning maha sadanud liiklusmärgid ja foorid. Orkaan peaks maale jõudma umbes nelja tunni pärast.
So Karoliina Raudsepp who lives in New York says that the wind is now already quite strong, lots of trees have been broken and traffic signs and lights have come down as well. The hurricane is expected to reach land in about four hours (yesterday's news...).
sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
jo = juba = already
liikennemerkki = liiklusmärk = traffic sign
liikennevalo = valgusfoor = traffic light
murtua = murduda = to break, be broken
neljän tunnin päästä = nelja tunni pärast = after four hours
noin, suunnilleen = umbes = about, approximately
nyt, tällä hetkellä = praegu = now, at the moment
paljon puita = palju puid = lots of trees
puu = puu = tree
sangen = väga = quite, pretty
sataa = sadada = to rain
siellä = seal = there
tuuli = tuul = wind
voimakas = tugev = strong
Updated 31.10.2012
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