lauantai 27. lokakuuta 2012

Kristiine Keskus

Tallinn, the pealinn of Estonia, is an interesting place to visit, and this blog will be showing aeg-ajalt different sides of the city. Seekord: Kristiine Keskus. It is a nice shopping mall worth visiting even though you need to take a bus or a taxi to get there. You can take for example the linnaliin 4 which leaves opposite Kaubamaja. The closest bussipeatus in Kristiine will be on the "wrong" side of the road, but going back to the city is kerge - the bus stop is just outside the kaubakeskus.  Sometimes there is also the tasuta buss from the A- and D-harbors (check the timetable). Whichever way you get there, be sure to enjoy a nice lunch or dinner - for example at Pizza-Pasta - before you leave. Tule, võta aeg maha ja naudi!

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
aika ajoin= aeg-ajalt = from time to time 
bussipysäkki, linja-autopysäkki = bussipeatus = bus stop
eri = erinev = different
esimerkiksi = näiteks = for example
helppo(a) = kerge = easy
illallinen = õhtusöök = dinner
ilmainen bussi = tasuta buss = free bus
kaupunki = linn = city, town
kaupunkilinja = linnaliin = city line
lounas = lõunasöök = lunch
mennä bussilla = bussiga sõita = take the bus
mennä ostoksille = sisseoste tegema minna = go shopping
ostoskeskus, kauppakeskus = kaubakeskus = shopping mall
puoli = pool = side
pääkaupunki = pealinn = capital
takaisin = tagasi = back, back somewhere
tavaratalo = kaubamaja = department store
Tule, vaihda vapaalle ja nauti! = Tule, võta aeg maha ja naudi! = Come, take time off and enjoy!
tällä kertaa = seekord = this time
vastapäätä = vastas = opposite
väärä = väär = wrong

Päivitetty 31.10.2012

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