Let us assume that you are arriving in Helsinki by ferry. You come with Tallink Star and enter the long matkustajaputki, which takes you to the terminaali. You are now in Länsiterminaali operated by Port of Helsinki. Where are you going? Most probably you want to get to the city of Helsinki. You can do that by taking the ratikka i.e. tram number 9.
See that tram link? You will find there an aikataulu (timetable) which gives you times when the tram leaves the harbor. Actually no need to go there at all since these trams go so often. Anyway good enough opportunity to go through something essential:
ma-pe is short for maanantai-perjantai, meaning Monday-Friday. Lauantaisin means on Saturdays, and sunnuntaisin on Sundays. Have a nice stay in Helsinki!
sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
aikataulu = sõiduplaan = timetable
aikataulu = sõiduplaan = timetable
keskiviikko = kolmapäev = Wednesday
lauantai = laupäev = Saturday
lauantaisin = on Saturdays
Länsiterminaali = Lääneterminal = West Harbor
ma-pe = Mon-Fri
lauantaisin = on Saturdays
Länsiterminaali = Lääneterminal = West Harbor
ma-pe = Mon-Fri
maanantai = esmaspäev = Monday
matkustaja = reisija = passenger
matkustaja = reisija = passenger
matkustajaputki = reisijatetuubus = passenger pipe
perjantai = reede = Friday
ratikka, raitiovaunu, spora = tramm = tram
ratikka, raitiovaunu, spora = tramm = tram
sunnuntai = pühapäev = Sunday
sunnuntaisin = on Sundays
terminaali = terminal = terminal
sunnuntaisin = on Sundays
terminaali = terminal = terminal
tiistai = teisipäev = Tuesday
torstai = neljapäev =Thursday
viikko = nädal = week
Updated - Päivitetty 27.10.2012
torstai = neljapäev =Thursday
viikko = nädal = week
Updated - Päivitetty 27.10.2012
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