tiistai 20. marraskuuta 2012

Helsinki Senate Square

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The Helsinki Senate Square has always been the sydän of the city. It was created in the beginning of 1900th century by the city planner Johan Albrecht Ehrenström and arkkitehti Carl Ludvig Engel. The square is surrounded by mitmed ajaloolised ehitused, nagu Helsingin tuomiokirkko, Riiginõukogu hoone ja Helsingi ülikooli peahoone. The oldest building at Senaatintori is the bluegrey Sederholm House built in 1757 (check here today´s topic!). 

The Helsinki Cathedral (1830-1852), originally an Orthodox church (designed by Carl Ludvig Engel) is usually the esimene asi you see if you enter Helsinki etelästä. Located in the center of Senaatintori is the statue of Emperor Alexander II (1894) - a remnant of Finland's common history with Russia.

If you are a first time visitor in Helsinki, you really should not miss this one! Especially since it is a just a short walk from Kauppatori

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
alunperin = päritolult = originally
alussa = algul = in the beginning
arkkitehti = arhitekt = architect
asemakaavoittaja = city planner
asia = asi = thing
aukio, tori = väljak = square
ensimmäinen = esimene = first
etelästä = lõunast = from the south
historialliset rakennukset = ajaloolised ehitused = historical buildings
jäänne = relikt, rudiment = remnant
Kauppatori = Market Square
kaupunki = linn = city
kuten = nagu = such as
luoda = luua = to create
monet, lukuisat = mitmed = many, several
patsas = ausammas = statue
rakennus = ehitus = building
saapua = saabuda = to enter
Senaatintori = Senati väljak = Senate Square
siniharmaa = kiltkivihall = bluegrey
sydän = süda = heart
tuomiokirkko = toomkirik = cathedral
Valtioneuvoston linna = Riiginõukogu hoone = The Palace of the Council of State
vanhin = vanim = oldest
yleensä = üldse = usually
ympäröidä = ääristada = to surround

Updated 20.11.2012

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