perjantai 23. marraskuuta 2012

Friday Phrase 5

It was Robert Browning who coined the phrase "Less is more".  A short but profound message. But how could that be - vähemmän on enemmän? Doesn't mathematics apply to everything? Yes, but in more subtle and finer ways than we may know. Less of anything too much gives you more of what you truely need. More space. More joy. More life. Vähem on rohkem.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
enemmän = rohkem = more
ilo = rõõm = joy
keksiä sanonta = to coin a phrase
liikaa, liian paljon = üleliia, liiga palju = too much
lyhyt = lühike = short
matematiikka = matemaatika = mathematics
sanoma, viesti = sõnum = message
soveltua = kohane olla = to apply
suoda, antaa = anda = to give
syvällinen = sügav = profound
tarvita, olla vajaa = tarvitseda, vaja olla = to need
tila = koht = space
vähemmän = vähem = less
Vähemmän on enemmän = Vähem on rohkem = Less is more


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