perjantai 30. marraskuuta 2012

Friday Phrase 6

Joulukuu is the month of tax returns. Which is a nice thing for those who actually get some money back from the hallitus. But for some of us who need to be paying back, the old adage "tyhjästä on paha nyhjästä" may become all too real. Then you really need to get creative about joulu. Luckily the best kink you can give and receive is yhdessäolo.

The English equivalent to this saying would be "to pull something out of thin air" - or try to... Or what Shakespeare's King Lear said: "Nothing will come of nothing". 
Yet to be translated in Estonian. Please leave a comment below if you know.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
antaa ja saada = anda ja saada = to give and receive
hallitus = valitsus = government
jotkut meistä = mõned meist = some of us
joulukuu = detsember = December
lahja = kink, kingitus = gift, present
luova = loov, loomisvõimeline = creative
maksaa takaisin = tagasi maksta= to pay back
nyhjä(i)stä =  = to pull out (with one small jerk)
onneksi = õnneks = luckily
raha = raha = money
sanonta = ütlus, vanasõna = adage
todella = tegelikult = actually
tyhjä = tühi = empty
tyhjästä on paha nyhjästä = to pull something out of thin air = nihil ex nihilo
vastine = sünonuüm = equivalent
vero = maks, tulumaks = tax
veronpalautus = tulumaksu tagastamine = tax return
yhdessäolo = koosolemine = togetherness, being together

torstai 29. marraskuuta 2012

Grocery shopping in Tallinn

One of the interesting things to do when you are traveling välismaal is to do some grocery shopping. Whether you are looking for some picnic material or things to use to make a meal of, if you are jalgsi on your way tagasi Tallinna sadamasse, a convenient store to visit is the RIMI hüpermarket (open 8-22) at Norde Centrum. 

And of course, enamus meist are looking for things we don't find at home. Below you can see some of the things to buy in the three blog languages.
sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
ateria = söök = meal
etsiä jotakin = midagi otsida = to look for something
jalkaisin (liikkeellä) = jalgsi = on foot
joko - tai  = kas - või  = whether - or
ruokakauppa = toidupood, toiduainete kauplus = grocery
ruokaostokset = grocery shopping
takaisin  satamaan = tagasi sadamasse = back to the harbor
ulkomailla = välismaal = abroad
useimmat meistä = enamus meist, enamik meist = most of us

söögisõnastik = ruokasanasto= food vocabulary
aedvili = kasvikset  = vegetables
apelsin = appelsiini = orange
juust = juusto = cheese
juustuvõileib = juustovoileipä = cheese sandwich
jäätis = jäätelö = icecream
kala = kala = fish
kana = kana = chicken
kanamuna = kananmuna = egg
kapsas = kaali = cabbage
kartul = peruna = potato
kaste = kastike = sauce
koor = kerma = cream
kuivatatud puuvili = kuivatut hedelmät = dried fruits
küpsised = keksit = cookies
leib = leipä = bread
liha = liha = meat
maasikas = mansikka = strawberry
mahl = tuoremehu = juice
maitseained, vürtsid = mausteet = spices
maksavorst = maksamakkara = liverwurst
pannkook = ohukainen, lettu, lätty = pancake
piim = maito = milk
piimatooted, piimasaadused = maitotuotteet = dairy products
pirukas = piirakka = pie
porgand = porkkana = carrot
puuvili = hedelmät = fruits
pähkel = pähkinä = nut
riis = riisi = rice
sai = vehnäleipä = white bread
saiake = sämpylä = (bread) roll
sibul = sipuli = onion
sink = kinkku = ham
sool = suola = salt
suhkur = sokeri = sugar
suitsutatud = savustettu = smoked
supp = keitto, soppa = soup
šokolaad = suklaa = chocolate
vaarikas = vadelma = raspberry
vesi = vesi = water
viilud = leikkeleet = cold cuts
vorst = makkara = sausage
või = voi = butter
võileib = voileipä = sandwich
õun = omena = apple

Updated 5.12.2012

maanantai 26. marraskuuta 2012

Helsinki Icepark

Did you know that you can luistella in the middle of Helsinki? And you don't even need to have uisud with you but you can borrow them for a small fee. Or you could just come and watch others skate while having a nice cup of kaakao! Rautatientorin Jääpuisto has been opened again, for the 7th time, and will stay open until at least March. Lisätietoa here.

ma-pe 12-21, la 10-21, su 10-19

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
ainakin = vähemalt = at least
avoinna = avatud = open
Helsingin jääpuisto = Helsinki Icepark
jää = jää = ice
kaakao = kakao = cocoa
keskellä = keskel, keset = in the middle of
kuppi kaakaota = a cup of cocoa
lainata = laenata = to borrow
lisätietoatäiendavat teavet = additional information
luistella = uisutada = to skate
luistimet = uisud = skates
maaliskuu = märts = March
maksu = maks = fee
pientä maksua vastaan = väikese leiutasu eest = for a small fee
puisto = park = park
Rautatientori = Raudteeväljak   = Railway Square
taas, jälleen = jälle, taas = again
tiesitkö? = kas sa teadsid? = did you know?

Updated 31.12.2012

lauantai 24. marraskuuta 2012

Martin markkinat

Martin markkinat is an annual fair held in Helsinki which portraits Estonian culture, traveling, handicraft and söögikultuur. It is being arranged for the 29th time and takes place during this weekend at Kaapelitehdas, situated in Ruoholahti. Easiest way to get there is by metro (kts. karttaa). Ilmainen sisäänpääsy

So if you are 
huvitatud  heast toidust 
(among other things), 
remember Kaapelitehdas this weekend! 

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
ilmainen sisäänpääsy =  ilma sissepääsutasuta = no entrance fee
kaapelitehdas =  kaabeltehas = cable factory 
katso karttaa = view the map
kiinnostunut = huvitatud = interested
kulttuuri = kultuur = culture
käsityö = käsitöö = handicraft 
markkinat, messut = mess = fair
matkustus = reisimine =  traveling
muistaa, pitää mielessä = meeles pidada =  to remember
ruoka = toit = food
ruokakulttuuri = söögikultuur = cuisine
sisäänpääsymaksu = sissepääsutasu = entrance fee
tänä viikonloppuna = sellel nädadavahetusel = (during) this weekend
viikonloppu, viikonvaihde = nädalalõpp, nädalavahetus = weekend
vuosittainen, jokavuotinen = aasta, iga-aastane = annual

Updated 24.11.2012

perjantai 23. marraskuuta 2012

Friday Phrase 5

It was Robert Browning who coined the phrase "Less is more".  A short but profound message. But how could that be - vähemmän on enemmän? Doesn't mathematics apply to everything? Yes, but in more subtle and finer ways than we may know. Less of anything too much gives you more of what you truely need. More space. More joy. More life. Vähem on rohkem.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
enemmän = rohkem = more
ilo = rõõm = joy
keksiä sanonta = to coin a phrase
liikaa, liian paljon = üleliia, liiga palju = too much
lyhyt = lühike = short
matematiikka = matemaatika = mathematics
sanoma, viesti = sõnum = message
soveltua = kohane olla = to apply
suoda, antaa = anda = to give
syvällinen = sügav = profound
tarvita, olla vajaa = tarvitseda, vaja olla = to need
tila = koht = space
vähemmän = vähem = less
Vähemmän on enemmän = Vähem on rohkem = Less is more


tiistai 20. marraskuuta 2012

Helsinki Senate Square

Click for a larger view
The Helsinki Senate Square has always been the sydän of the city. It was created in the beginning of 1900th century by the city planner Johan Albrecht Ehrenström and arkkitehti Carl Ludvig Engel. The square is surrounded by mitmed ajaloolised ehitused, nagu Helsingin tuomiokirkko, Riiginõukogu hoone ja Helsingi ülikooli peahoone. The oldest building at Senaatintori is the bluegrey Sederholm House built in 1757 (check here today´s topic!). 

The Helsinki Cathedral (1830-1852), originally an Orthodox church (designed by Carl Ludvig Engel) is usually the esimene asi you see if you enter Helsinki etelästä. Located in the center of Senaatintori is the statue of Emperor Alexander II (1894) - a remnant of Finland's common history with Russia.

If you are a first time visitor in Helsinki, you really should not miss this one! Especially since it is a just a short walk from Kauppatori

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
alunperin = päritolult = originally
alussa = algul = in the beginning
arkkitehti = arhitekt = architect
asemakaavoittaja = city planner
asia = asi = thing
aukio, tori = väljak = square
ensimmäinen = esimene = first
etelästä = lõunast = from the south
historialliset rakennukset = ajaloolised ehitused = historical buildings
jäänne = relikt, rudiment = remnant
Kauppatori = Market Square
kaupunki = linn = city
kuten = nagu = such as
luoda = luua = to create
monet, lukuisat = mitmed = many, several
patsas = ausammas = statue
rakennus = ehitus = building
saapua = saabuda = to enter
Senaatintori = Senati väljak = Senate Square
siniharmaa = kiltkivihall = bluegrey
sydän = süda = heart
tuomiokirkko = toomkirik = cathedral
Valtioneuvoston linna = Riiginõukogu hoone = The Palace of the Council of State
vanhin = vanim = oldest
yleensä = üldse = usually
ympäröidä = ääristada = to surround

Updated 20.11.2012

perjantai 16. marraskuuta 2012

Friday Phrase 4

Do you believe that every cloud has a silver lining? That no matter how pime it seems, the sun is always shining behind the clouds - somewhere? In Finnish we would say 'Ei niin pahaa jottei jotain hyvääkin' which sõnasõnaliselt means 'nothing is so bad that there isn't something good as well (in it)'. In Estonia people say that 'iga pilve on hõbe vooderdus'. Aurinko may be behind the clouds, but it still is.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
aurinko = päike = sun
hopea = hõbe = silver
hopeinen =  hõbedane = silvery, of silver
huolimatta siitä miten... = ükskõik kuidas... = no matter how...
hyvä = hea = good
jokainen = iga = every
jossain, jossakin = kuskil, kusagil = somewhere
jotain hyvää = midagi head = something good
kirjaimellisesti = sõnasõnaliselt = literally
paha = halb, paha = bad
paistaa = paista =  to shine
pilvi = pilv = cloud
pilvien takana = pilvede taga =  behind the clouds
pimeä =  pime = dark
sisus, vuori = sisu, vooder, vooderdus =  lining 
takana = taga = behind
uskoa = uskuda = to believe

Updated 16.11.2012

tiistai 13. marraskuuta 2012

Tallinna Raekoja Plats

Tallinna Raekoja Plats
Tallinna Raekoja Plats, the Town Hall Square in Tallinna vanalinn, is older than you might think. It is first mentioned in 1313. Läbi ajaloo the square has preserved oma vana funktsiooni: see on populaarne turistide ja kohalike seas kohtumispaigaks või vaatamisväärsuste alguspunktiks. Talvisin it is home to the town's jõulukuusk – a tradition that stretches back to 1441 – and a buzzing  jõuluturg.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
aloituskohta = alguspunkt = starting point
joulukuusi = jõulukuusk = Christmas tree
Joulutori = jõuluturg = Christmas Market
kauppatori = turg = market square
kautta historian = läbi ajaloo = throughout history
kohtauspaikka = kohtumispaik = meeting place
mainita = mainida = to mention
nähtävyys = vaatamisväärsus = sight, show-place
paikallisen väestön keskuudessa = kohalike seas = among the local people
perinne = traditsioon = tradition
raatihuone, kaupungintalo = raekoda = town hall
säilyttää = säilitada = to preserve
tai = või = or
Tallinnan vanhakaupunki = Tallinna vanalinn = Tallinn's Old Town
talvisin = iga talv = each winter
toiminto = funktsioon = function
tori = väljak, plats, turg = square
turistien keskuudessa = turistide seas = among tourists
ulottua (johonkin) = ulatuda = to stretch back (to)
vanhempi = vanem = older
vilkas = vilgas, elav = buzzing

Updated 13.11.2012

sunnuntai 11. marraskuuta 2012

Happy Father's Day

Hyvää Isäinpäivää! Father's Day is celebrated today - novembriku teisel pühapäeval - in Finland and Estonia, and also in Sweden, Norway and Iceland. We also celebrate all vanaisad, light a kynttilä for those fathers who are not with or among us anymore, and hopefully bake a cake for those who are. Head Isadepäeva!
sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
enää = enam = anymore
Hyvää Isäinpäivää = Head Isadepäeva = Happy Father's Day
Islanti = Island = Iceland
isoisä, vaari = vanaisa = grandfather
isä = isa = father
isäinpäivä = Isadepäev = Father's Day
kakku = kook, tort = cake
kanssamme = koos meiega = with us
keskuudessamme = meie seas = among us
kynttilä = küünal = candle
marraskuun toisena sunnuntaina = novembriku teisel pühapäeval = on the second Sunday of November
myös  = ka, samuti  = also
Norja = Norra = Norway
Onnea isi =  Congrats dad(dy)
sytyttää kynttilä = küünla põlema panna, kuünla süüdata = to light a candle
viettää isäinpäivää =  to celebrate Father's Day

Updated 11.11.2012

perjantai 9. marraskuuta 2012

Friday Phrase 3

Who hasn't heard the saying  'Laughter - the best medicine'! Perhaps you are more familiar with 'Naer on parim ravim' or  'Nauru on paras lääke'. You may also hear that  'naer on terviseks' and that 'nauru pidentää ikää'. Whichever language or form you know it by, it is a known fact that it does good to us to laugh. So isn't it a wonderful thing that laughter is contagious?

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
hymy = naeratus = a smile
hymyillä = naeratada = to smile
hyvä asia = hea asi = a good thing
ikä = iga = age
kenties, ehkä = võibolla = perhaps, maybe
kieli = keel = language
kuka = kes = who
lääke = ravim = medicine
mahtava, upea = tore = wonderful 
muoto = vorm, kuju = form
nauraa = naerda = to laugh
nauru = naer = laughter
paras = parim, kõige parem = the best
pidentää = pikendada = to lengthen
tarttuva(a) = nakkav = contagious
tehdä hyvää = head teha = to do good
terveydeksi = terviseks = (good) for your health
terveys = tervis = health
tietää = teada = to know
tunnettu = tuntud = known
tuntea paremmin = paremini tunda = to be more familiar (with)
tuttu = tuttav = familiar, known
tärkeä(ä) = tähtis = important

Updated 9.11.2012

keskiviikko 7. marraskuuta 2012


In the Estonian newspaper Postimees about the American presidential elections last night: "Teiseks ametiajaks Valgesse majja valitud demokraat Barack Obama rõhutas oma võidukõnes, et parimad ajad on alles ees, kui ameeriklased selleks koos pingutavad". Let us hope that better times are ahead for all of us.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
amerikkalaiset = ameeriklased = Americans
korostaa = rõhutada = to emphasize, stress
kunhan = kui = when, as long as
meille kaikille = meie kõigi jaoks = for all of us
Paras on vasta edessä = Parim on alles ees = The best is yet to come
paremmat ajat = parimad ajad = better times
ponnistella = pingutada = to struggle, work hard
presidentinvaalit = presidendivalimised = presidential elections
tehdä yhdessä töitä jnk eteen= selleks koos pingutada = to work together towards
toiseksi kaudeksi valittu = teiseks ametiajaks valitud = elected for a second term 
toivoa = loota (loodan) = to hope
toivotaan = loodame = let us hope
Valkoinen talo = Valge maja = the White House
viime yönä = eile öösel, eile õhtul = last night
voitonpuhe = võidukõne = victory speech
voitonpuheessaan = oma võidukõnes = in his victory speech
yhdessä = koos = together

Updated 7.11.2012

tiistai 6. marraskuuta 2012

Baltic Sea

Let's look at our very own piece of waterway: the Baltic Sea (this is one of many articles about it). Surrounded by nine countries - Soome, Venemaa, Eesti, Läti, Leedu, Poola, Saksamaa, Taani ja Rootsi (from left to right around the sea) - it affects the lives of millions of people - maybe yours as well.  There are over 200 ports in the Baltic Sea. You may find it a bit peculiar that in Finnish it is called the East Sea (Itämeri) and in Estonian the West Sea (Läänemeri), but it is of course for historical reasons since Finland used to be part of Sweden.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
Eesti/Viro = Eesti = Estonia
historiallisista syistä = ajaloolistel põhjustel = for historical reasons
Itämeri = Läänemeri = Baltic Sea
Latvia = Läti = Latvia
Liettua = Leedu = Lithuania
omituinen, kummallinen = imelik, kummaline = peculiar, strange, odd
osa  = osa = part
Pohjanlahti = Põhjalaht = Gulf of Bothnia
Puola = Poola = Poland
Ruotsi = Rootsi = Sweden
Saksa = Saksamaa = Germany
satama = sadam = port
sitä kutsutaan = seda nimetatakse, seda kutsutakse = it is called
Suomenlahti = Soomelaht = Gulf of Finland
Suomi = Soome = Finland
Tanska = Taani = Denmark
vaikuttaa = mõjuda, mõju avaldada = to affect
Venäjä = Venemaa = Russia
vesitie = veetee = water way
ympäröidä = ümbritseda = to surround

Updated 6.11.2012

maanantai 5. marraskuuta 2012


Many of you who enter Helsinki at the West Harbour have tõenäoliselt seen the big electronics store Verkkokauppa. Have you non-Finns ever wondered what that loosung in the billboard outside the store 'Todennäköisesti aina halvempi' means? Well wonder no more - i.e. see the vocabulary! Of course you may have noticed already whether that oletus is true or not by just visiting the store - or maybe not!

Huomio! Tämä ei ole mainos. Ettevaatust! See ei ole reklaam. Attention! This is not an advertisement

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
aina = ikka, alati = always
alateksti = subtext
halpa = odav = cheap
halvempi = odavam = cheaper
ihmetellä = imestada = to wonder
iskulause = loosung, hüüdlause = slogan
kaupan ulkopuolella oleva mainos = reklaam väljaspool kauplust
kauppa = kauplus, pood, kaubamaja = store
käydä kaupassa = to visit a store
mainos = reklaam = advertisement
mainostaulu = reklaamtulp = billboard
oletus = oletus = presumption
todennäköisesti = tõenäoliselt = probably
todennäköisesti aina halvempi = tõenäoliselt alati odavam = probably always cheaper
totta = õige = true
verkko = võrk = net
verkkokauppa = Interneti-pood = online store

Updated 5.11.2012

sunnuntai 4. marraskuuta 2012


Let us have a look at some of our bird friends merel - the gulls (see the links below). Järgmine kord you see one, you may be able to tell which one is which - just maybe! The biggest one - which you don't see so often - is merilokki. The easiest one to spot must be the naerukajakas for it shrieks so!  Trying to discern the different gulls, you mainly look at the suurus ja värv - not that easy! Especially since the young gulls look different than the adult ones. But go ahead and try - and look at the links to find out more!
Merilokki (Larus Marinus)

Harmaalokki (Larus Argentatus)

Kalalokki (Larus Canus)

Selkälokki (Larus Fuscus)


Naurulokki (Larus Ridibundus)

Naerukajakas. Tema nimi tuleb iseloomulikust naeru meenutavast häälest. Naerukajakas on umbes hakisuurune, aga saledam
Its name comes from the characteristic sound reminiscent of laughter.  The Black-headed Gull is about the same size as a daw, but slimmer.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
aikuinen =  täisealine, täiskasvanud = adult, grown-up
ehkä, kenties = võib-olla= maybe
erottaa = eristada = to discern
kalalokki = kalakajakas = Common Gull  (Larus Canus)
kirkua = kiljuda  = to shriek
koko ja väri = suurus ja värv = size and color
kuulla = kuulda = to hear
lintu/linnut = lind = bird/birds
lokki = kajakas = gull, seagull
meidän = meie = our
merellä = merel = at sea
meri = meri = sea
merilokki = merikajakasGreat Black-backed Gull (Larus Marinus)
muistuttaa = meenutada = to remind, be like
naakankokoinen = hakisuurune = same size as a daw
naurua muistuttava ääni = naeru meenutav hääl = sound reminiscent of laughter
naurulokki = naerukajakas = Black-headed Gull (Larus Ridibundus)
nuoret lokit = noored kajakad = young gulls
pääasiallisesti = peamiselt = mainly
selkälokki =  tõmmukajakasLesser Black-backed Gull (Larus Fuscus)
seuraavan kerran = järgmine kord = next time
solakka, hoikka = sale (saledam=slimmer) = slender, slim
suurin = suurim = the biggest
tunnistaa = identifitseerida = to spot, identify
tunnusomainen = iseloomulik = characteristic
varsinkin = eriti = especially
ystävä/ystävät = sõber/sõbrad = friend/friends
ääni = hääl = sound

Observe: all the translated words in all the blog texts are in their base form (singular or plural), i.e. not inflected - like they might be in Finnish or Estonian.

Updated 5.11.2012

perjantai 2. marraskuuta 2012

Friday Phrase 2

Ever heard the expression "Better be safe than sorry"? In Finnish we say "Parempi katsoa kuin katua", in Estonian "Parem karta, kui kahetseda". This applied to travelling means inter alia that
a) you make sure that you don't leave home ilma passi (or some other acceptable and valid identification)
b) you come in time to check yourself in and
c) you are aboard in time (lennukis/laeval)
Head reisi!

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
ajoissa, hyvissä ajoin = õigeaegselt, õigeks ajaks, parajal ajal = in time
hyväksyttävä = vastvõetav = acceptable
Hyvää matkaa! = Head reisi! = Have a pleasant journey!
ilmaisu = väljendus = expression
ilman passia = ilma passi = without passport
katsoa = vaadata (vaatan) = to look
katua = kahetseda = to regret
kuin = kui = than
laiva = laev = ship, ferry
laivassa = laeval = aboard the ship
lentokone = lennuk = airplane
lentokoneessa = lennukis = aboard the plane
lähteä kotoa = kodust välja minna = to leave home
matka = reis = journey, trip
matkustelu = reisimine = travelling
muun muassa = muu hulgas = among other things, inter alia (Latin)
pahoillaan = kahetsev = sorry
parempi = parem = better
pelätä = karta (kardan) = to fear, worry
soveltaa = kohandada, rakendada = to apply
tarkoittaa, että... = means that...
tulla = tulla = to come
varmistaa = kindlustada = to make sure, ensure
voimassaoleva = kehtiv = valid

Updated 2.11.2012

torstai 1. marraskuuta 2012


Here are some guidelines to how this blog works - languagewise. Some of the words in the texts are written with paks letters. Those words you will find written in thick in the vocabulary as well. These words can be either Finnish, Estonian or English.  There is a mishmash of the three blog languages sihilikult. Based on the fact that learning a kieli requires a flexible mind - a bit like a child's. Whatever your emakeel, you may find tugi in the other two languages.  It is a constant adventure!

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
jatkuva = alatine = constant
joko... tai... = kas... või... =  either...or...
joustava = järeleandlik = flexible
kieli = keel = language
kirjain = täht = letter (a,b,c etc)
kirjoitettuna = written
lapsi = laps = child
mieli = mõistus, meel = mind
nämä sanat  = need sõnad = these words
opastus = juhend, juhtnöör = guidelines
paksu = paks = thick
perustua =   põhineda (millelgi)  = to be based (on)
seikkailu = seiklus = adventure
sekamelska = segadus = mishmash, hodgepodge
tarkoituksella = sihilikult  =  on purpose
toimia = tööta = to work, function
tosiasia = tõsiasi, fakt = fact
tuki = tugi = support
vaatia = nõuda =  to require
äidinkieli = emakeel = mother tongue

Comments appreciated

Updated 1.11.2012