The Baltic Guide is a newspaper specializing in travel information about the Baltic countries, especially Estonia. It comes in Finnish, Estonian and Swedish (which is mostly in English), and you can read it both in the internet and in paper version. The ajaleht is made available in numerous, strategic places (check the locations here), and yes, it is for free! Online you can also open the e-paper version of the Baltic Guide (also in Russian). This is a really neat thing to read if you are going to Tallinn - full of information about the things to do there, when and where and how to go. Good enough maps, current events, cultural tidbits and lots more. And if you are really into the Baltic countries - and/or want to support this fine paper - you may want to subscribe to the Guide. Teretulemast Eestisse!
sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
ajankohtaiset tapahtumat = päevasündmused = current events
Baltian maat = Baltimaad = the Baltic countries
erikoistunut = spetsialiseerunud = specializing in
ilmainen = tasuta = for free, free of charge
lukuisa = arvukas, rohkearvuline = numerous
matkailija, matkustaja = reisija = traveler
paperiversio = paper version
strateginen = strateegiline = strategic
strateginen = strateegiline = strategic
sanomalehti = ajaleht = newspaper
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