maanantai 25. helmikuuta 2013

Comments and recommendations

You may have noticed that there is a field below each article where you can leave comments. Leaving comments is not that hard, try it sometime. You can also leave comments - or ask anything -  by sending mail to the blog sähköpostiosoite 

Samassa kentässä there are different symbols. The first one is for email - you can send this blog article to your friends by email. The fourth one is to share the article in facebook. Please feel free to do any of this and thus help spread this blog. Thank you.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary 
alla, alapuolella = all, allpool = below
huomata = märkada, tähele panna = to notice
jakaa = jagada = to share
jättää kommentti = kommentaar esitada = to leave a comment
kenttä = väli = field
kiitos = tänah = thank you, thanks
kommentti = kommentaar = comment
kysyä = küsida = to ask
levittää = (laiali) laotada = to spread
merkki = sümbol = symbol
näin, niin, siten = nii, niiviisi = thus
samassa kentässä = samal väljal = in the same field
suositus = soovitus = recommendation
sähkö = elekter = electricity
sähköposti, "meili" = meil, e-kiri, e-post = email
sähköpostiosoite = meiliaadress = email address
sähköpostitse = e-postiga = by email

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