perjantai 1. helmikuuta 2013

Friday Phrase 11

It is said that time heals all wounds. Like footprints on sand - imprints on something so perfect - that are being smoothed away by the tide - the trustworthy, irresistible surge of s(m)oothing, nondiscriminating water. Aika parantaa haavat. Slowly but surely. Aeg parandab haavad.  Though scars remain.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary 
aika = aeg = time
Aika parantaa haavat = Aeg parandab haavad =
Time heals all wounds
arpi/arvet = arm/armid = scar/scars
haava/haavat = haav/haavad = wound/s
hiekalla = liivas = on sand
hiekka = liiv = sand
hitaasti mutta varmasti = aeglaselt aga kindlalt = slowly but surely
jalanjälki/jalanjäljet = jalajälg/jalajäljed = footprint/s
jälki, painauma = jälg = imprint
jäädä jäljelle = järele jääda = to remain, be left behind
lainehdinta, maininki = lainetus = surge
luotettava = usaldusväärne = trustworthy
nousuvesi = tõus = high tide
parantaa = parandada = to heal
siloittaa, tasoittaa = silendada = to smooth
täydellinen = täielik = perfect
vastustamaton = vastupandamatu = irresistible

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