Not in Finland, nor in Estonia... |
Let's go berserk here for a while - languagewise! There are quite a few words in Finnish and Estonian that are similar, but mean entirely different things. Home in English is a sweet thing, but pretty bad in Finnish. You do not want to have home in your home, neither do you want to have hallitus - though from the democratic point of view it might be a good thing. It is also good to have koristaja, especially Xstmas time - either cleaning up the house, or decorating the tree! What you don't want to have is a home in the middle of a tee, or tees too near your home, but instead a nice cup of tee before going to töö. That brings to mind that you may want to pronounce "two tea to 32" a little better than this. Hope you derived some huvi out of this all - or had some in it...
sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
hallitus = valitsus = government
home = hallitus = mould
huvi = lõbustus, meelelahutus = amusement, enjoyment
koristaja = dekoraator = decorator
koti = kodu = home
mennä hulluksi = hulluks minna = to go berserk
mielenkiinto = huvi = interest (in something)
siivooja = koristaja = cleaner
tee = tee = tea
tie = tee = road
tii = tii = tee
työ = töö = work
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