lauantai 5. tammikuuta 2013

The Trams of Tallinn

Ever take a tram ride in Tallinn? Trams are not nearly as predominant there as in Helsinki city traffic, but there are actually four trammiliinid in Tallinn. Purchase your sõidupilet in advance (e.g. at R-kiosk) and then stamp it in the ticket machine aboard - or get a Tallinn Card. Here below are the routes with some additional information, but before all that, why not take a virtual ride on tram #2!

1 Kopli-Balti jaam-Kadriorg
2 Kopli-Balti jaam-Tallinna bussijaam-Sikupilli-Ülemiste
3 Tondi-Vabaduse väljak-Kadriorg
4 Tondi-Vabaduse väljak-Tallinna bussijaam-Sikupilli-Ülemiste

Lines 1 and 2 go between east and west, and 3 and 4 from north to south, more or less. They all traverse through the city center near Viru keskus. Anything to see in Kopli or Tondi? Well, there is now an interesting place called Lennusadam (not to be confused with Lennujaam) at Kopli - the Seaplane Harbour well worth your time and money! Or you could just take any of these trams for the scenery, and maybe some off center grocery shopping, especially summertime. And then of course near the lines 1 and 3 end station Kadriorg you have the beautiful Kadriorg Palace!
Also, if you are heading for Pärnu or some other city in Estonia, and need to find the (recently renewed) Tallinna bussijaam, tram 2 or 4 will take you there. Tram 1 and 2 towards Kopli will take you to the main railway station in Tallinn, Balti jaam
The Tallinna trams are pretty old, but there will be brand new wagons on line 4 in a couple of years (ca  2014). And the older ones do carry a certain charm.

If you know enough  Finnish, here is some more reading on Tallinn trams: Matkalla Maailmalla-sivuston juttu Ratikkaretkellä Tallinnassa,  and here an excellent article by Helsingin Sanomat (Nov 2012).

PS. This blog will be publishing articles on Tallinn bus, trolleybus and train services as well. Finally, here is the link for Tallinna sõiduplaanid.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary 
hiljattain uudistettu = hiljuti uuenenud = recently renewed
idästä länteen = idast lääne suunas = from east to west
kaupunkiliikenne = linnaliiklus = city traffic
lento-asema = lennujaam = airport
linja-autoasema = bussijaam = bus station
maisema = maasikupilt, maastikuline ilme = scenery
matkalippu = sõidupilet = ticket
matkalla = teel = heading for, on your way to
ostaa ennakkoon = ette osta = to buy in advance
pohjoisesta etelään = põhjast lõuna suunas = from north to south
raitiovaunu, ratikka, spora = tramm = tram
ratikalla = trammiga = by tram
ratikkalinja = trammiliin = tramway
ruokaostokset = toiduostude tegemine = grocery shopping
Tallinnan reittiopas = Tallinna sõiduplaanid = Tallinna route planner 

Updated 2.2.2013

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