maanantai 28. tammikuuta 2013

Tallinn Elephants

If you ever visit Tallinn Zoo, be sure to see the elephants there! The Estonian Postimees wrote the other day about how they are doing now wintertime with the headline "Päike meelitas elevandid lumisele jalutuskäigule" - the sun tempted elephants to take a snowy stroll. The elephants there do have quite a large area to walk around. 

The article tells first about the zoo getting ready for the cold front by improving upon the old buildings, filling up slots and cracks. And on Thursday with the sun coming out, all of the zoo's three African elephants took a walk in the sunny yard!  

"Neljapäeval Tallinnas siranud päike ja parajalt mõnus kargus meelitasid aga õuejalutuskäigule kõik kolm loomaaia aafrika elevanti. Isegi Draay, kes sageli uste vahel iseloomu näitab, marssis kenasti aediku lumesillerdusse."

PS. If any of you readers have an idea what "lumesillerdusse"means here, please leave a comment.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary 
aurinko= päike = sun
eläintarha = loomaaed = zoo
halkeama, repeytymä = pragu = crack, slit, rift
hohtaa, loistaa = sirada, särada = to shine
houkutella= meelitada = to tempt
jopa = isegi = even
kaikki kolme = kõik kolm = all three
kylmäaalto = külmalaine = cold front
lumikävely = lumine jalutuskäik = snowy walk/stroll
luonne = iseloom = character, personality
melko, aika = parajalt = quite, fairly
norsu, elefantti = elevant = elephant
nätisti = kenasti = prettily
piha = õu = yard
rakentaa = ehitada = to build
rako = pilu = slot
raot ja halkeamat  = pilud ja praod = slots and cracks
riistanhoitaja = ulukihooldaja = gamekeeper 
ruskohyeena = (pruun-)vööthüään = brown hyena
torstai = neljapäev = Thursday
tukkia kiinni = kinni toppida = to tug, jam 
varasto = ladu = storage, depot
viikonloppu = nädalavahetus = weekend
vähän väliä = sageli = frequently, every now and then
yhä vielä = seni veel = still yet

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