perjantai 18. tammikuuta 2013

Helsinki-Tallinn by ferry

There are four ferry companies that operate the Helsinki-Tallinn line (click at the links below to check their online pages):

                     Helsingin satama  Tallinna sadam
Eckerö Line - Länsiterminaali ......... A-terminal
Linda Line   - MakasiiniterminaaliPatarei sadam
Tallink         - Länsiterminaali ......... D-terminal
Viking Line  - Katajanokka ...............A-terminal

Each have their pros and cons, and the competition between the companies can be quite intense. But competition is of course a good thing from the customer's point of view, and the several alternatives to combine trips to and from the two cities makes for a more flexible aikataulu for the individual customer. Then as a passenger you just need to remember which sadam to leave from as there are the three harbors in both Helsinki and Tallinn. Noteworthy also is that Linda Line's traffic depends heavily on weather. The distance between the two cities? 84 kilometers, i.e. 52 miles. Hyvää matkaa!

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary 
aikataulu = sõiduplaan = timetable
asiakkaan näkökulmasta = kliendi jaoks = from the customer's point of view
hyvät ja huonot puolet = argumendid poolt ja vastu = pros and cons
kilpailu = konkurents = competition
laivat liikennöivät säävarauksella = laevade väljumised sõltuvad ilmastikust = traffic depends on weather
Länsiterminaali = Lääneterminal = West Harbor
satama = sadam = harbor
säävarauksella = soodsa ilma puhul = weather permitting
useita vaihtoehtoja = mitu võimalust = several alternatives
välimatka, etäisyys = kaugus, distants = distance

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