So you want to go the movies while in Tallinn?
There are two major cinemas in the city. The one (and some would say 'only') Coca-Cola Plaza at Hobujaama 5, opposite Virukeskus. The other one is Solaris Kino at the shopping center Solaris Keskus, situated close to the Tallinn Opera. Both are vahetus läheduses.
Just step in and purchase your tickets. Most films are of course not dubbed anymore (as was the case during the Soviet era) but come with subtitles, and usually in the two official languages, Estonian and Russian.
Perhaps you prefer to buy your tickets online? Then watch this "Kuidas osta kinopileteid piletipoest?" No matter how you purchase your tickets, where you go and what you decide to watch, bear in mind that it is a good idea to have a 10 cent coin at hand in case you need to use toilet, because that is what it costs to get in - at least at Coca-Cola Plaza. But the ticket prices are very affordable, especially on most Mondays and Tuesdays - as low as 3,50 €. In Estonia as in elsewhere a major income is made from selling popcorn, softdrinks and candy.
sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
elokuvaliput, leffaliput = kinopiletid
kolikko = münt = coin
kävelyetäisyydellä = vahetus läheduses = within walking distance
lippu = pilet = ticket
mennä elokuviin/leffaan = kinno minna = go to the movies
Mennään leffaan! = Lähme kinno! = Let's go to the movies!
näytös = seanss = show
Helsinki-Tallinn - Here I come!
torstai 27. maaliskuuta 2014
perjantai 9. elokuuta 2013
Friday Phrase 17
"Acta, non verba", a.k.a. "Facta, non verba" simply means that we shouldn't put too much emphasis on words at the expense of deeds.
For actions speak louder than words. In Finland we say: "Teot puhuvat enemmän kuin sanat" or sometimes "Teot puhuvat puolestaan". In Estonia "Meetmete Sõnaloendus on", or "Meetmed räägivad iseenda eest". We are all really like actors and directors in our own movie, and every now and then the director claps the clapperboard and shouts: Action! - or otherwise the film would never come out.
sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
enemmän = rohkem, enam = more
klaffi / tahdistuslauta = = clapperboard, clap slate
korostaa = rõhutada = to put emphasis, emphasize
puhuvat = räägivad = speak (pl.)
puolestaan = iseenda eest = in their own behalf
sanamäärä = sõnaloendus
sanat = sõnad = words
teot = meetmed = actions, deeds
toimenpide = meede = means, proceeding, action
toimenpiteet = measures, means of action
toiminta, teot = meetmed = action, activity
lauantai 13. heinäkuuta 2013
Let's make July the Make-Blog-Known-Month! This blog seems to be at a pretty low reading level, and that's just a shame! So Reader - whoever you are or wherever you are - take part in a joined effort to make this blog more known - if you think it deserves it!
- subscribe to the blog
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Thank you for your co-operation. :)
sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
erillinen = eraldine = separate
jakaa = jagada = to share
kuka tahansa oletkin = whoever you are
kysely = küsimusleht, ankeet = questionnaire
lukija = lugeja = reader
missä tahansa oletkin = wherever you are
ottaa osaa = osa võtta = to take part
yhteistyö = koostöö, koostoimimine = co-operation
perjantai 12. heinäkuuta 2013
Friday Phrase 16
Finnish is often considered a language of long and difficult words (we do have those, mainly due to inflection!), but some things can be said shorter as well. For example the Finnish version of Never say never. The verb form ending in -matta means 'without doing' (that something), so Vannomatta paras would literally translate "best not to swear (on it)". The Estonian phrase for this would be Ära ütle kunagi, et mitte iialgi. However you say it, there is always hope, always room for change, always chance for changed circumstances and surprising outcomes, and always a possibility for change in personal preferences. Nunquam nunquam narra!
sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
ei koskaan, ei ikinä = ei kunagi, mitte kunagi, iial = never
henkilökohtainen mieltymys = isiklik eelistus = personal preference
mahdollisuus = võimalikkus = possibility
muutos = muutus = change
olosuhteet = olukord, tingimused = circumstances
paras = parim = (the) best
toivo = lootus = hope
vannoa = vanduda = swear, make an oath
vannomatta = vandumata = without swearing
Vannomatta paras = Ära ütle kunagi, et mitte iialgi = Never say never = Nunquam nunquam narra (in Latin)
yllättävä käänne = ootamatu pöörde= surprising outcome
tiistai 9. heinäkuuta 2013
Tallinna teletorn
At 314 meters, Tallinna Teletorn is the tallest building in Estonia, readily seen if you enter the city by sea, on the left. It was opened during the Soviet era in 1980 - built to provide better telecommunication services for the Olympics that summer.
Before independence, a freedom-loving citizen might catch at night sight of the lights of Helsinki on the other side of the Soomelaht - and dream of freedom.
Since then the tower has been renovated, and has even come up with a very modern thing: a chance for the more adventurous visitor, attached to a safety line, to take a stroll on the observation deck at 175 meters height. To do that you need to be julge, at least 13 years of age, weigh between 34 and 140 kg, and also meet some other requirements.
Naturally there is also a cafeteria on the vaateplatvorm, which offers a panoramic view over Tallinn and its surroundings. Look here for all the other features (museum, giftshop, cinema, etc).
How do you get to the tower?
The tower is located about 10 kilometers from the city center. Buses with numbers 34A, 38, 49 and 288 go through there - just push the stop button when you hear "Järgmine peatus: Teletorn"! Or you could just take a takso!
Address: Kloostrimetsa 58a, Tallinn, Estonia sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
haaveilla vapaudesta = unistada vabadusest = to dream of freedom
korkeus = kõrgus = height
näköalatasanne = vaateplatvorm = observation deck
näköalatorni = vaatetorn = observation tower
painaa = kaaluda = to weigh
pysähtymisnappi = stopp nupp = stop button
rohkea = julge = bold
seikkailunhaluinen = seiklushimuline = adventurous
seuraava pysäkki = järgmine peatus = next stop
Suomenlahti = Soome laht = Gulf of Finland
taksi = takso = taxi, cab
Tallinnan televisiotorni = Tallinna teletorn = Tallinn TV Tower
torni = torn = tower
turvavaljaat = turvarakmed = safety harness
äärelläkävely = servakõnd = edgewalk
tiistai 2. heinäkuuta 2013
Sport News in July
Let's continue on the Wimbledon tennis theme since the Estonian esireket Kaia Kanepi has managed to get to the quarter finals there! Today she will play against Sabine Lisicki from Germany whom she has never met yet (Kanepi pole Lisickiga varem kohtunud). Postimees writes:
sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
alkaa = algab = starts
brittien toivo = brittide lootus = the Brittish hope
Eestin aikaan, Viron aikaan = Eesti aja järgi = Estonian time (at)
ei ole kohdannut aikaisemmin = pole varem kohtunud = hasn't faced (her) before
kilpailu = konkurents = competition
kohdata = kohtada = to face
kohtaa tiistaina = kohtub teisipäeval = will face on Tuesday
luovutusvoitto = loobumisvõit = walkover
maailman ykkönen tenniksessä = maailma esireket = the world number one (in tennis)
maanantai = esmaspäev = Monday
maanantaisessa neljännen kierroksen ottelussa = esmaspäevases kaheksandikfinaalis = in the 4th round match on Monday
ottelu = mäng = match
pakotettu = sunnitud = forced to
passitti ulos kilpailusta = lülitas konkurentsist välja = beat out of the competition
peli-erä-ottelu = geim-sett-mäng = game-set-match
peliä kommentoivat = mängu kommenteerivad = the game will be commented by
puolivälierä = veerandfinaal = quarterfinal
Saksa = Saksamaa = Germany
saksalainen = sakslane = German
saksatar = sakslanna = German (female)
seedattu = asetatud = seeded
suora lähetys = otseülekanne = live broadcast
tennis = tennis = tennis
tiistaina = teisipäeval = on Tuesday
ykköspelaaja = esireket = number one in tennis
vastaan = vastu = against
välierä = poolfinaal = semifinal
Eesti esireket Kaia Kanepi (WTA 46.) kohtub teisipäeval Wimbledoni suure slämmi tenniseturniiril 23. asetatud Saksamaa tennisisti Sabine Lisickiga (WTA 24.), mängust teeb otseülekande ka ETV.
Kohtumine algab Eesti aja järgi kell 15, otseülekanne algab kell 14:50. Mängu kommenteerivad Anu Säärits ja Toomas Kuum, vahendab ERR Sport.
Kanepi pole Lisickiga varem kohtunud, 2011. aasta Pekingi turniiril oli Lisicki sunnitud eestlannale mänguta andma loobumisvõidu.
Esmaspäevases kaheksandikfinaalis alistas Kanepi brittide lootuse Laura Robsoni (WTA 38.), Lisicki aga lülitas konkurentsist välja maailma esireketi Serena Williamsi.
sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
alkaa = algab = starts
brittien toivo = brittide lootus = the Brittish hope
Eestin aikaan, Viron aikaan = Eesti aja järgi = Estonian time (at)
ei ole kohdannut aikaisemmin = pole varem kohtunud = hasn't faced (her) before
kilpailu = konkurents = competition
kohdata = kohtada = to face
kohtaa tiistaina = kohtub teisipäeval = will face on Tuesday
luovutusvoitto = loobumisvõit = walkover
maailman ykkönen tenniksessä = maailma esireket = the world number one (in tennis)
maanantai = esmaspäev = Monday
maanantaisessa neljännen kierroksen ottelussa = esmaspäevases kaheksandikfinaalis = in the 4th round match on Monday
ottelu = mäng = match
pakotettu = sunnitud = forced to
passitti ulos kilpailusta = lülitas konkurentsist välja = beat out of the competition
peli-erä-ottelu = geim-sett-mäng = game-set-match
peliä kommentoivat = mängu kommenteerivad = the game will be commented by
puolivälierä = veerandfinaal = quarterfinal
Saksa = Saksamaa = Germany
saksalainen = sakslane = German
saksatar = sakslanna = German (female)
seedattu = asetatud = seeded
suora lähetys = otseülekanne = live broadcast
tennis = tennis = tennis
tiistaina = teisipäeval = on Tuesday
ykköspelaaja = esireket = number one in tennis
vastaan = vastu = against
välierä = poolfinaal = semifinal
maanantai 24. kesäkuuta 2013
Sport News in June
This blog utilizes every now and then the Estonian newspaper Postimees for further study of Eesti keel through numerous articles that might be of interest - dissected into smaller parts: words and sentences. This time it is about Wimbledon tennis, starting out today. There was a first major upset in the tournament as the fifth seeded Italian Sara Errani lost to Moniga Puigi in the opening round.
Sara Errani |
Tenniskenttä-Tenniseväljak-Tennis court |
"Wimbledoni tenniseturniiril sündis täna esimene suurüllatus, kui viiendana asetatud itaallanna Sara Errani kaotas avaringis Monica Puigile Puerto Ricost 3:6, 2:6. Järgmises ringis kohtub 19-aastane Puigi hispaanlanna Silvia Soler-Espinosaga. Errani loobus hiljuti Eastborne´i turniirist, sest teda vaevas reielihase vigastus, mis võis tema mängu segada ka täna."
And later on today even Rafael Nadal lost! Could be this will be a tournament full of upsets.
And later on today even Rafael Nadal lost! Could be this will be a tournament full of upsets.
avauskierros = avaring = opening round
avauskierroksella = avaringis = in the opening round
eesti, viro = eesti keel = Estonian (the language)
espanjatar = hispaanlanna = Spaniard (female)
häntä vaivasi reisilihasvamma = teda vaevas reielihase vigastus = she was bothered by an injury in the thigh muscle
hävitä = kaotada = to lose
italiatar = itaallanna = Italian (female)
jakaa (osiin) = tükeldada = to dissect
luovuttaa = loovutada = to cede, yield
peli-erä-ottelu = geim-sett-mäng = game-set-match
reisilihasvamma = reielihase vigastus = injury in the thigh muscle
seuraavalla kierroksella = järgmises ringis = in the next round
suuryllätys, jymypaukku = suurüllatus = major upset, big surprise
tennis = tennis = tennis
tenniskenttä = tenniseväljak = tennis court
tennismaila = tennisereket = tennis racket
tennispallo = tennisepall = tennis ball
tennispelaaja = tennisemängija = tennis player
tennisturnamentti = tenniseturniir = tennis tournament
tänään = täna = today
vamma = vigastus = injury
vastaan = vastu = against
viidenneksi seedattu italiatar = viiendana asetatud itaallanna = the fifth seeded Italian
lauantai 22. kesäkuuta 2013
The Moomin
Muumitalo - Muumimaja - Moominhouse |
Ever heard of the Moomin? The Moomin tales were written by the Swedish-speaking Finn Tove Jansson (starting in the 1940's) who was born in Helsinki in 1914. You can see that the original language of the Moominvalley stories is Swedish in that many of the Moomin characters are transliterated from that language.
The stories first appeared as books of course, but later on as children's theater production, cartoon strips and filmed versions, and then in the 1990's as TV-series made in Japan. It revived these wonderfully told stories to whole new generations, and created a "Moomin Boom". In Finland the series is known as Muumilaakson tarinoita, and you can see them right here. And in English e.g. here.
A popular thing to do on the ferry boats between Helsinki and Stockholm is to visit the taxfree gift shop on deck 7, and purchase Moomin merchandise: plates, mugs, key holders, toys, T-shirts, jewellery, character hangstraps and what not! Japanese tourists are especially fond of all that, and it is no wonder really since the series and Moomin characters are so well-known in Japan. But maybe not something for the U.S. audience?
You can read about the different characters in the Moominvalley in the vocabulary links below. Because of the Japanese connection, this time with Japanese equivalents as well, doozo onegai-shimasu! And if you have small kids, don't forget that there is the Muumimaailma theme park in Naantali, on the west coast of southern Finland.
Hauskaa juhannusta!
Lõbusat jaanipäeva!
Happy Midsummer Day!
sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
Haisuli = Stinky = スティンキー
Hattivatit = Hatifnatid = Hattifnatters = ニョロニョロ (Nyoro-nyoro)
Hemuli = Koduvana = Hemulen = ヘムレン
Hosuli = Nuhkloom =
Juksu = Sekeldaja = The Joxter
Muumilaakso = Muumiorg = Moominvalley =
Muumimamma = Muumimamma = Moominmamma = ムーミンママ
Muumipappa = Muumipapa = Moominpappa = ムーミンパパ
Muumipeikko = Muumitroll = Moomintroll = ムーミントロール
Muumitalo = Muumimaja = Moominhouse = ムーミン一家の家
Mörkö = Urr = The Groke = モラン (Moran)
Niisku = Tusklik = Snork = スノーク
Niiskuneiti = Tusklikupreili = The Snork Maiden = スノークのお嬢さん
Nipsu = Sniff = Sniff = スニフ
Nuuskamuikkunen = Nuuskmõmmik = Snufkin = スナフキン
Näkymätön Ninni = Ninny =
Pikku Myy = Väike My = Little My = ミイ (Mii)
Taikuri = The Hobgoblin = 飛行おに
Vilijonkka = Filifjonka = Fillyjonk = フィリフヨンカ
tiistai 18. kesäkuuta 2013
Midsummer weather
Midsummer coming and many of us thinking what the weather is gonna be like. Will the sun shine or is it gonna rain? The Estonian newspaper Postimees is writing about the Finnish Midsummer weather with the title: Soomlased lubavad jaanipäevaks soojalainet - the Finns promise heat wave for Midsummer.
Hopefully that will be the case! And if so, many of us will head for the beaches equipped with aurinkolasit, päikesekübar, sunscreen and a nice picnic bag! But first - as long as you are still at your tietokone - open the Postimees article in a new window, and use the vocabulary below for assistance to learn some more Estonian, Finnish and English, weatherwise!
auringonpistos = päikesepiste = sunstroke
aurinko = päike = sun
aurinko paistaa = päike paistab = the sun is shining
aurinkoinen = päikesepaisteline = sunny
aurinkolasit = päikeseprillid = sunglasses
aurinkovoide = päikesekreem = sunscreen
helle, lämpö = soojus = heat, warmth
hellehattu = päikesekübar = sunhat
ilma = õhk = air
ilma (colloq.) = ilm = weather
Itämeren ympäristössä = Läänemere ümbruses = in the Baltic Sea area
jopa 30 lämpöasteen tienoilla = lausa 30 soojakraadi lähedal = up to +30 degrees celcius
juhannuksena = jaanipäeval = in Midsummer
juhannusaattona = jaanilaupäeval = on Midsummer's Eve
keli = road conditions
keskiviikko = kolmapäev, kesknädal = Wednesday
keskiviikosta = kesknädalast = from Wednesday on
korkeapainealue = kõrgrõhkkond = anticyclone area, high-pressure area
lämmin = soe (-> sooja) = warm
lämmin rintama = soe front = warm front
lämpimämmäksi = soojemaks = (the weather becomes) warmer
lämpöaalto= soojalaine = heat wave
lämpötila = temperatuur = temperature
lämpötila kohoaa tuntuvasti = temperatuurid kerkivad märkimisväärselt = the temperature rises considerably
matalapainealue = madalrõhkkond, tsüklon = cyclone area, low-pressure area
melko epävakaa(ta) = üsna ebastabiilne = pretty unstable
meteorologien mukaan = meteoroloogide sõnul = according to the meteorologists
monin paikoin = mõnel pool, mitmes paigas = in many places
niin Suomessa kuten lähialueilla = nii Soomes kui lähiriikides = in Finland as well as in neighboring areas
sade = vihm = rain
sadekuuro = hoovihm = rain shower
samalla voi esiintyä sadekuuroja = samas aga ei pruugi hoovihmad lakata = there may be occasional rain showers as well
sateet = vihmasadusid = the rain
suomalaiset = soomlased = the Finns
sää, ilma = ilm = weather
sääennuste = ilmaennustus = weather forecast
Sääennuste lupasi sadekuuroja = Ennustati hoovihma = Rain showers to be expected
sääkartta = ilmakaart = weather map
sään ennustaminen = ilmaennustamine = weather forecasting
tietokone = arvuti =computer
tämän viikon loppupuolella = selle nädala lõpul = by the end of this week
tämän viikon sää = selle nädala ilm = the weather this week, this week's weather
viimeisimmän sääennusteen mukaan = praeguste ilmaennustuste kohaselt = according to the latest weather forecast
sunnuntai 16. kesäkuuta 2013
Pirita Adventure Park
Photo taken from Valgeranna Seikluspark |
Do your kids like climbing trees? If they are 115cm+ and you have 2-3 hours to spend, then head for the newly opened Pirita Seikluspark! Open daily 10am to 10pm. Here is how Postimees tells about the park (fully translated below, but please do check the encompassing vocabulary below):
Vanusepiirangut ei ole, ronimisega saavad algust teha lapsed, kel pikkust vähemalt 115 sentimeetrit. Järgmiseks suveks saab valmis ka mudilaste seikluspark. Lisaks seiklusele pakub park metsikut looduslikku keskkonda, palju rohelust ja rannarajalt avanevaid imelisi vaateid Tallinna lahele.
To have a taste of zip lining,
check this Youtube-video:
sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
aikuinen= täiskasvanud = adult
apina = ahv = monkey
apuväline = abivahend = aid, appliance
avoinna joka päivä = avatud iga päev = open daily
ensi kesäksi = järgmiseks suveks = for next summer
ikäraja = vanusepiir = age limit
ikärajaa ei ole = vanusepiirangut ei ole = there is no age limit
itsensä ylittäminen = eneseületamine = self-excellence, self-trancendence
jännitys = närvikõdi = titillation, suspense
kaiken kaikkiaan, yhteensä = kokku = altogether
kiipeily = ronimine = climbing
kiivetä = ronida = to climb
kuuden puun varaan rakennettu rata = kuus puudele ehitatud rada = six trees
köysiliukurata = ahviraudtee = zip-line, zip line, aerial ropeslide
luonnollinen = looduslik = natural
löytää paras vaihtoehto= leida parim võimalus = to find the best alternative
paikoittain = kohati = in (some) places, here and there
pikkulapsi = mudilane = toddler
pikkulasten seikkailupuisto = mudilaste seikluspark = toddler adventure park
rantapolku = rannarada= coastal course
rata = rada = course, trail
seikkailun lisäksi = lisaks seiklusele = on top of the adventure
seikkailupuisto = seikluspark = adventure park
taito = osavus = skill, ability
upea näkymä = imeline vaade = wonderful view
vehreys = rohelus = green, greenery
villi = metsik = wild
ympäristö = keskkond = environment, surroundings
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