lauantai 13. heinäkuuta 2013


Let's make July the Make-Blog-Known-Month! This blog seems to be at a pretty low reading level, and that's just a shame! So Reader - whoever you are or wherever you are - take part in a joined effort to make this blog more known - if you think it deserves it!

There is a questionnaire on the right - and here is what you can do:

- subscribe to the blog
- forward an article to a friend
- forward blog address to a friend
- like the blog in facebook
- like the separate articles in facebook
- share the blog with your friends and local business

Thank you for your co-operation. :)  

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
erillinen = eraldine = separate
jakaa = jagada = to share
kuka tahansa oletkin = whoever you are
kysely = küsimusleht, ankeet = questionnaire
lukija = lugeja = reader
missä tahansa oletkin = wherever you are
ottaa osaa = osa võtta = to take part
yhteistyö = koostöö, koostoimimine = co-operation

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