perjantai 12. heinäkuuta 2013

Friday Phrase 16

Finnish is often considered a language of long and difficult words (we do have those, mainly due to inflection!), but some things can be said shorter as well. For example the Finnish version of Never say never. The verb form ending in -matta means 'without doing' (that something), so Vannomatta paras would literally translate "best not to swear (on it)". The Estonian phrase for this would be Ära ütle kunagi, et mitte iialgi. However you say it, there is always hope, always room for change, always chance for changed circumstances and surprising outcomes, and always a possibility for change in personal preferences. Nunquam nunquam narra!

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
ei koskaan, ei ikinä = ei kunagi, mitte kunagi, iial = never
henkilökohtainen mieltymys = isiklik eelistus = personal preference
mahdollisuus = võimalikkus = possibility
muutos = muutus = change
olosuhteet = olukord, tingimused = circumstances
paras = parim = (the) best
toivo = lootus = hope
vannoa = vanduda = swear, make an oath
vannomatta = vandumata = without swearing 
Vannomatta paras = Ära ütle kunagi, et mitte iialgi = Never say never = Nunquam nunquam narra (in Latin)
yllättävä käänne = ootamatu pöörde=  surprising outcome

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