tiistai 9. heinäkuuta 2013

Tallinna teletorn

At 314 meters, Tallinna Teletorn is the tallest building in Estonia, readily seen if you enter the city by sea, on the left. It was opened during the Soviet era in 1980 - built to provide better telecommunication services for the Olympics that summer. 

Before independence, a freedom-loving citizen might catch at night sight of the lights of Helsinki on the other side of the Soomelaht - and dream of freedom.

Since then the tower has been renovated, and has even come up with a very modern thing: a chance for the more adventurous visitor, attached to a safety line, to take a stroll on the observation deck at 175 meters height. To do that you need to be julge, at least 13 years of age, weigh between 34 and 140 kg, and also meet some other requirements.

Naturally there is also a cafeteria on the vaateplatvorm, which offers a panoramic view over Tallinn and its surroundings. Look here for all the other features (museum, giftshop, cinema, etc).

How do you get to the tower?
The tower is located about 10 kilometers from the city center. Buses with numbers 34A, 38, 49 and 288 go through there - just push the stop button when you hear "Järgmine peatus: Teletorn"! Or you could just take a takso!
Address: Kloostrimetsa 58a, Tallinn, Estonia

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
haaveilla vapaudesta = unistada vabadusest = to dream of freedom
korkeus = kõrgus = height
näköalatasanne = vaateplatvorm = observation deck
näköalatorni = vaatetorn = observation tower
painaa = kaaluda = to weigh
pysähtymisnappi = stopp nupp = stop button
rohkea = julge = bold
seikkailunhaluinen = seiklushimuline = adventurous
seuraava pysäkki = järgmine peatus = next stop
Suomenlahti = Soome laht = Gulf of Finland
taksi = takso = taxi, cab
Tallinnan televisiotorni = Tallinna teletorn = Tallinn TV Tower
torni = torn = tower
turvavaljaat = turvarakmed = safety harness
äärelläkävely = servakõnd = edgewalk

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