Are you mayhaps one of those people who are always late? Wherever you go? To a meeting, a job interview, aboard a ship? Have you heard the expression "Time and tide wait for no man"? Time is of the essence. Life will not wait either - even if you may be offered opportunities to catch up. People will not bother to wait to hear your excuses. Things will not wait for you when you are late, and even the tiniest ship will leave without you if you are - late. The blog's next article will be about just that...
sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
aika = aeg = time
Aika rientää = Aeg lendab = Time flies = Tempus fugit (Lat.)
Aikaa ei ole paljon = Aeg on sisuliselt = Time is of the essence
Aikaa ei voi pysäyttää = Time and tide wait for no man
Anteeksi, että olen myöhässä = Vabandage, et ma
hilinesin = Excuse me for being late
myöhässä = hilinenud = late
nousu- ja laskuvesi = (merevee) tõus ja mõõn = tide
Se on vain tekosyy = See on lihtsalt ettekääne = That's just an excuse
selitys, tekosyy = vabandus, ettekääne = excuse (for being late)
tapaaminen = miiting, koosolek = meeting, date
tilaisuus, mahdollisuus = võimalus = opportunity, chance
työhaastattelu = tööintervjuu, töövestlus = job interview
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