keskiviikko 27. helmikuuta 2013

The Baltic Guide

The Baltic Guide  is a newspaper specializing in travel information about the Baltic countries, especially Estonia. It comes in Finnish, Estonian and Swedish (which is mostly in English), and you can read it both in the internet and in paper version. The ajaleht is made available in numerous, strategic places (check the locations here), and yes, it is for free! Online you can also open the e-paper version of the Baltic Guide (also in Russian). This is a really neat thing to read if you are going to Tallinn - full of information about the things to do there, when and where and how to go. Good enough maps, current events, cultural tidbits and lots more. And if you are really into the Baltic countries - and/or want to support this fine paper - you may want to subscribe to the Guide. Teretulemast Eestisse! 

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary 
ajankohtaiset tapahtumat = päevasündmused = current events
Baltian maat = Baltimaad = the Baltic countries
erikoistunut = spetsialiseerunud = specializing in
ilmainen = tasuta = for free, free of charge
lukuisa =  arvukas, rohkearvuline = numerous
matkailija, matkustaja = reisija = traveler
paperiversio = paper version
strateginen = strateegiline = strategic
sanomalehti = ajaleht = newspaper

maanantai 25. helmikuuta 2013

Comments and recommendations

You may have noticed that there is a field below each article where you can leave comments. Leaving comments is not that hard, try it sometime. You can also leave comments - or ask anything -  by sending mail to the blog sähköpostiosoite 

Samassa kentässä there are different symbols. The first one is for email - you can send this blog article to your friends by email. The fourth one is to share the article in facebook. Please feel free to do any of this and thus help spread this blog. Thank you.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary 
alla, alapuolella = all, allpool = below
huomata = märkada, tähele panna = to notice
jakaa = jagada = to share
jättää kommentti = kommentaar esitada = to leave a comment
kenttä = väli = field
kiitos = tänah = thank you, thanks
kommentti = kommentaar = comment
kysyä = küsida = to ask
levittää = (laiali) laotada = to spread
merkki = sümbol = symbol
näin, niin, siten = nii, niiviisi = thus
samassa kentässä = samal väljal = in the same field
suositus = soovitus = recommendation
sähkö = elekter = electricity
sähköposti, "meili" = meil, e-kiri, e-post = email
sähköpostiosoite = meiliaadress = email address
sähköpostitse = e-postiga = by email

sunnuntai 24. helmikuuta 2013

Estonian Independence Day

Happy Independende Day, Estonia! Every 24th of February since 1918  Estonians celebrate their independence - now for the 95th time. Public celebrations discontinued during the Soviet occupation years 1940-1991, but since the declaration of independence in August 1991, the Eesti vabariigi aastapäev is celebrated with renewed fervor. The place to be in Tallinn is Jüriöö Park, but now also Vabaduse Väljak, finally ready after renovations. Read here a Postimees article about it. Head vabariigi aastapäeva, Eesti!

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
aikana = ajal, jooksul = during
itsenäisyysjulistus = iseseisvusdeklaratsioon = declaration of independence
itsenäisyyspäivä = iseseisvuspäev = independence day
juhlia itsenäisyyspäivää = iseseisvuspäeva tähistada = to celebrate independence day
julistaa itsenäisyys = iseseisvust kuulutada = to declare independence
keskeytyä, jäädä katkolle = katkestada = to discontinue
miehitys = okupeerimine = occupation (political)
palo, into = ind = fervor
remontti = uuendus, renovatsioon = renovation
tasavalta = vabariik = republic
vapaus = vabadus = freedom
vuosipäivä = aastapäev = anniversary

perjantai 22. helmikuuta 2013

Comic relief

Aku Ankka - Piilupart Donald
Walt Disney characters are known around the world. In the vocabulary below you can check by what names some of them are known in Finland and Estonia, and also the terms for different functions in this form of art. Comics are fun to read, and often appealing to the eye. Whether you read them in a koomiksiraamat or watch the cartoon series or piirretty elokuva in the movies,  the traditional style of drawing and animating seems sometimes quite  superior to  today's quick-pace computer animation. Still, the characters remain the same, and they are not just for the kids - it is good and healthy for anyone to maintain some of that childlike mind that is required to get the most out of them!

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
Aku Ankka =  Piilupart Donald = Donald Duck
ankka = part = duck
Hannu Hanhi = Hans Hani = Gladstone Gander
Hessu Hopo = Kupi = Goofy
hiiri = hiir = mouse
Iines Ankka = Daisy Part = Daisy Duck
Iso paha susi = Suur susi = Big Bad Wolf
Karhukopla = Penipoisid = Beagle Boys
kääpiö = kääbus = dwarf
lapsenmieli = lapsemeel = childlike mind
Lumikki ja seitsemän kääpiötä = Lumivalgeke ja seitse pöialpoissi = Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Mikki Hiiri = Miki Hiir = Mickey Mouse
Minni Hiiri = Minni Hiir = Minnie Mouse
Mortti ja Vertti = Morty and Ferdie Fieldmouse
Pelle Peloton = Leidur Leo = Gyro Gearloose
Pikku Hukka = Väike Hundu = Lil Bad Wolf
piirrossarja, animaatiosarja = animafilm = animated cartoon
piirretty elokuva = animafilm, multifilm = animated film
piirretyt = multikad = cartoons 
pilapiirros = karikatuur = caricature
pilapiirtäjä = karikaturist, pilapiltnik = caricaturist 
Roope Ankka, Roope-setä = Onu Robert = Scrooge McDuck, Uncle Scrooge
sarjakuvahahmot = koomiksitegelased = comics characters
sarjakuvalehti = koomiksiraamat = comic book, comics
sarjakuvapiirtäjä = karikaturist = cartoonist
sarjakuvat = koomiksid = comics
strippi = comic strip
taidemuoto = form of art
tietokoneanimaatio = arvutianimatsioon = computer animation
Tiku ja Taku = Tiku ja Taku = Chip n' Dale 
Tupu, Hupu ja Lupu = Hups, Tups ja Lups = Huey, Dewey and Louie

tiistai 19. helmikuuta 2013

Kampintori Meeting Place

Have you ever wondered what the peculiar structure at Kampintori is all about? Is it perhaps a remnant of the past, left behind due to its neat features? No. Instead it is quite a modern taideteos, by the Swedish sculptor Ernst Billgren, unveiled  in November 1998. It is actually a two-piece work (the other half is a short distance away on Malminkatu) and the suurempi piece (see picture) is called Suuri kohtauspaikka. So together they form Major and Minor Meeting places.

Meeting Places was part of an idea of transforming the former parking lot into a well-functioning city space, and now with the new Kamppi Mall nearby, it is a welcome addition to the area. Summertime also a favorite spot for skateboarders.
So if you are coming to Helsinki from Tallinn by ferry, and take the tram 9 and get off at Kampintori, why not go and have a closer look at this piece of art? And the city center? Just minutes away towards Ma-nnerheim-intie (see map).

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary 
jäänne = jäänus = remnant
jäänne menneisyydestä = mineviku igand = remnant of the past
kaksiosainen = kaheosaline, kahest osast koosneva = two-piece, consisting of two parts
kohtauspaikka = kohtumispaik = meeting place
kuvanveistäjä = skulptor = sculptor
paljastaa, julkistaa = pidulikult avada =  to unveil
pysäköintialue, parkkipaikka = parkimisplats, parkla = parking lot
rakenne = struktuur, ehitus = structure
rullalauta, skeittilauta = rula, skeit = skateboard
rullalautailija, skeittaaja = rulataja, rulasõitja = skateboarder
suurempi = suurem = bigger, larger
taideteos = kunstiteos = piece of art, work of art
tori = väljak, plats = square
vähän matkan päässä = läheduses = a short distance away

lauantai 16. helmikuuta 2013

Jaywalking in Tallinn

Let's face it: jaywalking  is a universal phenomenon. Sometimes the red light takes a bit too long to turn to green, and no cars in sight, so... But every now and then the local police will fine you for that! That is what happened in Tallinn the other day. Read the Postimees story here with the title "Tallinna kesklinna politsei trahvis punase tulega teed ületanuid" (Tallinna city police fined jaywalkers). The average trahvisumma last year was 21 euros. Certainly no reason not to visit Tallinn - you law-abiding citizen! :)

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
jalankulkija = jalakäija = pedestrian 
keskimääräinen sakkosumma = keskmine trahvisumma = average fine
liikenne = liiklus = traffic
liikennevalot = valgusfoor, foor = traffic lights
merkitä rike = rikkumist vormistada = to write down a misdemeanor
punainen valo = punane tuli = red light 
punaisia päin käveleminen = punase tulega teed ületamine = jaywalking 
rike = rikkumine = minor offense, misdemeanor
sakko = trahv = fine
sakottaa = trahvida, trahvi teha = to fine 
suojatie = ülekäigurada, jalakäijate ülekäigukoht = pedestrian crossing
tavanmukainen = tavapärane = customary
valo muuttuu vihreäksi = tuli lähed roheliseks = the light turns green
viime vuonna = mullu, möödunud aastal = last year
välillä, silloin tällöin, aika ajoin = vahetevahel, aeg-ajalt = every now and then
ylittää tie = teed ületada = to cross the street

torstai 14. helmikuuta 2013

Happy Valentine!

Happy Valentine to you all! Valentine's Day has for years been observed in Finland and Estonia as well, and though it has - like Christmas - heavy commercial undertones  - it is still a day when we want to remember our friends and toivottaa heille Hyvää ystävänpäivää or Head sõbrapäeva! We send our friends greeting cards or text messages, share with them a Valentine's Day cake, treat them to heart-shaped  - or just plain ordinary - šokolaad. And then of course, to that someone special, something special! Hyvää ystävänpäivää teille kaikille! Head valentinipäeva teile kõigile!

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
Hyvää ystävänpäivää! = Head sõbrapäeva! = Happy Valentine!
jaamme = jagame = we share
kaupallinen = kaubanduslik = commercial
mielitietty, rakas = (that) someone special
muistaa = mälestada = to remember
rakas, armas, kulta = armas, kallike = darling, dear, beloved
rakkaus = armastus = love 
suklaa = šokolaad = chocolate
sydämenmuotoinen = südamekujuline = heart-shaped
sydän = süda = heart
tarjoamme = pakkume = we treat (them) to
tavallinen = tavaline, harilik = ordinary
teille kaikille = teile kõigile = to you all
tekstiviesti = tekstsõnum = text message
toivottaa heille = soovida neile = to wish them
ystävyys = sõprus = friendship
ystävillemme = meie sõpradele = to our friends 
ystävä = sõber = friend 
ystävänpäivä = valentinipäev, sõbrapäev = (Saint) Valentine's Day

lauantai 9. helmikuuta 2013

Helsinki Statue Walk

Alexander II
One way to see Helsinki and at the same time learn some facts about the city as well as the country is to take a walk from one statue to another - a statue walk! This is preferably done kesäaikaan. The names of the statues are here intentionally simplified/personified, and any additional information is found by clicking at the links - as else this article would become far too long.

You could start your statue walk at the Senate Square with Alexander II. Walk from there toward the market square Kauppatori to see the Keisarinnankivi and Charinna Alexandra - the oldest statue in Helsinki. Then turn right, and you have the Helsinki park avenue Esplanaadi in front of you. The first statue here is Havis Amanda - a central point of celebration for students every May Day. Puiston keskellä you will meet the national poet Runeberg, and if you walk a little further, the author Eino Leino.

Havis Amanda Inaugural in 1908
From Esplanaadi take right, and walk the Helsinki Main Street, i.e. Mannerheimintie till you reach the Kolmen Sepän patsas, the Three Smith statue. From there straight on to Mannerheim, the 6th president of Finland. Before seeing some more presidents, you could take a detour towards right, and go and see Kivimiehet at the Railway station, and then Finland's national author Aleksis Kivi at the Railway square. Or just continue on the main street, and go and say hello to presidents #3 Svinhuvfud and #1 Ståhlberg in front of the Parliament building. A little further in his own little park you will find #4, Kyösti Kallio.

Cross the street again and have a nice walk in a slightly larger park, Hesperianpuisto - but before that check the UKK momunent. Keep on walking towards the Opera House, and then cross the street facing the Olympic Stadium. There you will find the great long-distance runner Paavo Nurmi.
Hope you enjoyed the walk - as much as he enjoyed the running!
1. Aleksanteri II:n patsas (Senaatintori, 1894) Senate Square
2. Keisarinnankivi (Kauppatori, 1835) Market Square
3. Havis Amanda (Esplanaadi, 1908) Esplanaadi
4. Runebergin patsas (Esplanaadi, 1885) Esplanaadi
5. Eino Leinon patsas (Esplanaadi, 1953) Esplanaadi
6. Kolmen sepän patsas (Aleksanterinkatu, 1932) Mannerheimintie
7. Ratsastajapatsas (Kiasma, 1960) Mannerheimintie
8. Kivimiehet (Rautatieasema, 1914) Railway station
9. Aleksis Kiven muistopatsas (Rautatientori, 1939) Railway station
10. P.E.Svinhufvud (Eduskuntatalo, 1961) Mannerheimintie
11. K.J.Ståhlberg  (Eduskuntatalo,1959) Mannerheimintie
12. Kyösti Kallio (Eduskuntatalo, 1962) Mannerheimintie
13. Urho Kekkosen muistomerkki (Hakasalmen puisto, 2000) Mannerheimintie
14. Paavo Nurmen patsas (Olympiastadion, 1925) Mannerheimintie

Here you can find more Helsinki statues and monuments. Check also this interesting statue tour (with pictures).

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
aivan liian pitkä = liiga pikk = far too long
eduskuntatalo = riigikogu = the parliament house
keisari, tsaari = tsaar = czar, tsar
keisarinna = czarina, tsaritsa
kestävyysjuoksija = pikamaajooksja = long-distance runner
kesäaikaan = suveperioodil = summertime
kiertotie = kõrvaltee = detour
kirjailija = kirjanik, autor = author, writer
kävely = käik, jalutuskäik = walk
käänny oikealle = pööra paremale = turn right
mieluiten = meelsamini = preferably
patsas = kuju, monument = statue
presidentti = president = president
puisto = park = park
puiston keskellä, keskellä puistoa = keset parki = in the middle of the park
seppä = sepp = smith
tarkoituksella = sihilikult = intentionally, on purpose 
vappu = volbripäev = May Day
ylittää katu = teed ületada,  üle tee minna = to cross a street

sunnuntai 3. helmikuuta 2013

What's your name again?!

Though the Finnish and Estonian languages have much in common, one thing they differ quite profoundly is the first names of people. There are a lot of names - such as Anne, Anneli, Arvo, Eino, Kalle, Laura, Lea, Mari, Tarmo, Tiina and Toivo - that are exactly the same. But some of the Estonian given names sound quite hilarious in Finland - and perhaps vice versa. Names like kalju and raivo, let alone aivo. Also last names may bring a naeratus to one's face. But don't mind if your name means bald fish in Finland, and people look at you in a funny way - we all need huumori in our lives, and sometimes it just comes from unexpected sources. After all, what's in a name?

Click here to see the most common names in Finland and in Estonia.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
aivo = peaaju = brain
etunimi = eesnimi = first name, given name
hassusti = in a funny way
huumori = huumor = humor
hymy = naeratus = smile
joskus, välillä = mõnikord, vahel = sometimes
kala = kala = fish
kalju = paljaspäine = bald
miesten nimet = meeste nimed = men's names
naisten nimet = naiste nimed = women's names
nimi = nimi = name
raivo = raev = rage
sukunimi = perekonnanimi = last name, surname
toisinpäin = ümberpöördult = vice versa
yllättävältä taholta = from unexpected sources

perjantai 1. helmikuuta 2013

Friday Phrase 11

It is said that time heals all wounds. Like footprints on sand - imprints on something so perfect - that are being smoothed away by the tide - the trustworthy, irresistible surge of s(m)oothing, nondiscriminating water. Aika parantaa haavat. Slowly but surely. Aeg parandab haavad.  Though scars remain.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary 
aika = aeg = time
Aika parantaa haavat = Aeg parandab haavad =
Time heals all wounds
arpi/arvet = arm/armid = scar/scars
haava/haavat = haav/haavad = wound/s
hiekalla = liivas = on sand
hiekka = liiv = sand
hitaasti mutta varmasti = aeglaselt aga kindlalt = slowly but surely
jalanjälki/jalanjäljet = jalajälg/jalajäljed = footprint/s
jälki, painauma = jälg = imprint
jäädä jäljelle = järele jääda = to remain, be left behind
lainehdinta, maininki = lainetus = surge
luotettava = usaldusväärne = trustworthy
nousuvesi = tõus = high tide
parantaa = parandada = to heal
siloittaa, tasoittaa = silendada = to smooth
täydellinen = täielik = perfect
vastustamaton = vastupandamatu = irresistible