keskiviikko 5. joulukuuta 2012

Independence Day

Tomorrow on December 6th is the liputuspäivä in Finland for it is time to celebrate the Finnish Independence. The most upfront event is the Linnan juhlat at Presidentinlinna - the Presidential Independence Day reception for the few chosen -  televised and watched by the rest of us (i.e. many of us). For several years there has also been an alternative "Vähävaraisten linnanjuhlat" organised by the philantroph Heikki Hursti at Hakaniementori. Other things to do on this special day:  to light blue and white candles, have a nice meal, commemorate the vets, watch "Tuntematon sotilas", listen to "Sininen ja valkoinen" - and to raise your own flag high. Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää kaikille! 

By the way, the Estonian iseseisvuspäev is 24. veebruar 

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
huomenna = homme = tomorrow
hyväntekijä = heategija = philantroph, benefactor
itsenäisyyspäivä = iseseisvuspäev = Independence Day
juhlat = pidu = feast, banquet, celebration
juhlia = pühitseda = to celebrate
järjestää = organiseerida = to organise
kaikille = kõikidele = to (you) all
kynttilä = küünal = candle
linna = loss, palee = castle, palace
liputuspäivä = lipupäev = flag day
muistella = mälestada = to commemorate
muita asioita = teisi äsju = other things
muuten = muide = by the way
nostaa = (üles) tõsta = to raise
näkyvä = näiv = upfront
Presidentinlinna = Presidensiloss = Presidential Palace
s.o. (se on ) =  i.e. (id est)
sininen = sinine = blue
sinivalkoinen = valgesinine = blue and white
sotaveteraani = veteran = vet
Tuntematon sotilas = Tundmatu sõjamees = The Unknown Soldier
vaihtoehtoinen = alternatiivne = alternative
valkoinen = valge = white
vähävarainen = vaene, kehv = indigent

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