keskiviikko 19. joulukuuta 2012

Helsinki Central railway station


The Finnish Railway system - known as VR (short for Valtion Rautatiet, i.e. State Railways) turned 150 years this year. This you can easily see now if you enter the Helsingin päärautatieasema (designed by Eliel Saarinen in 1904) from the Eliel Square. The station is indeed very central, with easy transfer to buses, trams and subway. The edifice is marked by the big kellotorni and by the four statues called "Lyhdynkantajat", added in 1914. They are well-known among the natives, especially since being utilized in numerous advertisements and TV-commercials under the name "Kivimiehet". These imaginative award winning commercials are fun to watch, and have also added to VR's popularity (which talvisin always declines due to delays caused by abundant snow and ice). Click below for one of them  - or two!

Monumental Environment Congress - Ennakko - JunaSkiKivimiehet Pietarissa - Kivimiehet Suomenlinnassa - Kivimiehet Turussa - Kivimies DreamingVR Elämä raiteillaan - VR Finland is getting smaller - VR Juna vie mukanaan - VR New Age of Train - VR PendolinoVR Train watchers - VR 150 years

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
asema = jaam = station
Helsingin päärautatieasema = Helsingi pearaudteejaam = Helsinki Central railway station
juna = rong = train
kellotorni = kellatorn = clocktower
kivimies = kivimees = stoneman
lukuisa = arvukas, rohkearvuline = numerous
lyhdynkantaja = lantern bearer
lyhty = latern = lantern
maanalainen, metro = allmaaraudtee, metroo = subway
mielikuvituksellinen = fantastiline, loominguline = imaginative, fantastic
paikallinen väestö = kohalik elanikkond = the natives
palkittu = auhinnatud = award winning
rautatieasema = raudteejaam = railway station
suosio = populaarsus = popularity
talvisin = talvel = wintertime
TV-mainos = TV-reklaam = TV commercial
vaihto (liikenteessä/in traffic) = ümberistumine = transfer
valtio = riik = state
viivästys = viivitus = delay
VR (Valtion rautatiet) = Finnish State Railways

Updated 20.12.2012

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