maanantai 31. joulukuuta 2012

And A Happy New Year!

The Helsinki-Tallinn blog wishes all its readers a Happy New Year! May your fireworks go off safely (the use of kaitseprillid recommended) and the coming year bring you terveyttä ja menestystä! Let's round up this year with an amusing Finnish saying which brings out the importance of Christmas: Juhannus on joka kesä, mutta joulu vain kerran vuodessa.

By the way - any uue aasta lubadusedHere is some advice on how to keep them...

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
Hyvää Uutta Vuotta! = Head Uut Aastat! = Happy New Year!
ilotulitteet = tulevärk, ilutulestikud = fireworks (the supplies)
ilotulitus = ilutulestik = fireworks (the event)
joka kesä = iga suvi = every summer
juhannus = kesksuvi = midsummer
kerran vuodessa = (üks) kord aastas = once a year
menestys/menestystä(ack.) = edu = success
suojalasien käyttö suositeltavaa = the use of goggles recommended
suojalasit = kaitseprillid = goggles 
suositeltavaa = soovitav = recommended
terveys/terveyttä(ack.) = tervis = health
tuleva vuosi = tulev aasta = the coming year, the year ahead
tärkeys = tähtsus = importance
uudenvuodenaatto = vana aasta õhtu = New Year's Eve
uudenvuodenlupaukset = uue aasta lubadused = new year's promises/resolutions
uudenvuodenpäivä = uusaasta = New Year's Day
uuden vuoden vastaanotto = uus aasta vastuvõtt = New Year's Reception
uusi vuosi = uus aasta = new year
vain, ainoastaan = ainult = only
vuosi = aasta = year

torstai 27. joulukuuta 2012

Search and find

See the Blogger sign at the upper left hand corner? Next to it there is a space where you can write search word(s), and look for items you want to find in this particular blog. Toinen tapa to find things is to go to Tunnisteet/Tags on the right side - everything tähestikulisse järjestusse - and look for things there. Any which way you look, there will be more and more things to find - about the two cities & the two languages -  as time goes by. And most of those things do not have a best-before-date stamped on them. Try and see! 

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary 
aakkosjärjestyksessä = tähestikulisse järjestusse = in alphabetical order
ajan myötä = aja jooksul = as time goes by
blogi = blog, ajaveeb = blog
enemmän ja enemmän, yhä enemmän = üha enam = more and more
etsiä ja löytää = otsida ja leida = to search and find
haku = otsing = search
hakusana = märksõna = search word
juuri tässä blogissa = siinsamas blogis = in this particular blog
kaksi kaupunkia = kaks linnad = two cities
kaksi kieltä = kaks keelt = two languages
Kokeile! = Proovi! = Try and see!
merkki = (tunnus)märk, sümbol = sign
parasta ennen = parim enne = best before
toinen tapa = teine tee, teine meetod = another way
tunniste = tag
vieressä = (millegi) kõrval  = beside, next to
ylhäällä vasemmalla = ülal vasakul, ülemises vasakus nurgas = (at) upper left hand corner

sunnuntai 23. joulukuuta 2012

Merry Christmas!

Hyvää Joulua! Häid Jõule!
There is so much to say about Christmas and also about the differences between the Finnish and the Estonian ways to celebrate it that this blog won't even go there! Let's just have some taste samples for days to come (all in the Finnish partitive case): for example glögiä, graavilohta, joululimppua, kalkkunaa, karjalanpaistia, kinkkua, lanttulaatikkoa, lihapullia, lipeäkalaa, maapähkinöitä ja rusinaa, perunamuusia, piparkakkuja, porkkanalaatikkoa, riisipuuroa, rosollia ja tähtitorttuja. And of course lots of suklaata! You can almost taste all that, can't you! Fancy anything? Here are also some Estonian Christmas treats, there among hapukapsas, kartulisalat, sealiha ja verivorst. Another good Estonian link here. Most of the links in the vocabulary take you to some great Christmas  recepies! Bon appetit! And a very Merry Christmas!

joulusanasto = jõulusõnastik = Christmas vocabulary
glögi = mulled wine
graavilohi = graavilõhe =  gravlax
hapankaali = hapukapsas = sauerkraut
Hyvää joulua! = Häid Jõule! = Merry Christmas!
Hyvää ruokahalua! =Head isu! = Bon appetit!
joulu = Jõulud = Christmas
jouluaatto = jõululaupäev = Christmas Eve
jouluateria = jõulusöök = Christmas dinner
joululahja =  jõulukink, jõulukingitus = Christmas present
joulukuusi = jõulukuusk = Christmas tree
joululimppu = Christmas loaf
joulupukki = jõuluvana = Santa Claus , Father Christmas
kalkkuna = kalkun = turkey
karjalanpaisti = Karelian hot pot, Karelian stew
kinkku = sink = ham
lanttulaatikko = kaalikavorm = rutabaga casserole,  swede bake
lihapullat, lihapyörykät = lihapallid = meat balls
lipeäkala = libekala = lutefisk
lohi = lõhe = salmon
maapähkinä = maapähkel = peanut
Mitä haluat joululahjaksi? = Mida sa jõuludeks tahad? = What do you want for Christmas?
perhe = perekond = family
perunamuusi = kartulipuder = mashed potatoes
perunasalaatti = kartulisalat = potato salad
piparkakku = piparkook = gingerbread cookie
porkkanalaatikko =porgandivorm (Soome moodi) = carrot bake
resepti/reseptit = retsept/retseptid = recepy/recepies
riisipuuro = riisipuder  = rice porridge
rosolli = salad made of mostly redbeet, carrot and potato
rusina = rosin = raisin
sianliha = sealiha = pork
suklaa =šokolaad = chocolate
tähtitorttu, joulutorttu = plum tartlet, Finnish Christmas star
verimakkara =verivorst = blood sausage

perjantai 21. joulukuuta 2012

Friday Phrase 9

Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) said many wise things, and some pertaining to this idea that you must not just wait for better things to happen, but "be the change you want to see in the world". Whether you are in Finland ("ole se muutos, minkä haluat nähdä maailmassa tapahtuvan"), in Estonia ("ole ise muutus, mida sa maailmas näha tahad") or anywhere else on this beautiful planet, that wisdom still holds true.

PS. This is the last weekly Friday phrase. The following phrases will be appearing on a monthly basis, every first Friday of each month.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
Eestissä/Virossa = Eestis = in Estonia
itse = ise = self, yourself
kaunis = ilus, kaunis = beautiful
kerran kuussa = kord kuus = on a  monthly basis, once a month
maailma = maailm = world
muutos = muutus = change
nähdä = näha = to see
odottaa = oodata = to wait
paikka = asukoht = place
pitää paikkansa, olla totta = tõsi olla = to hold true
planeetta = planeet  = planet
Suomessa = Soomes = in Finland
tahtoa, haluta = tahta, soovida = to want
tapahtua = juhtuda = to happen
viikottainen = iganädalane = weekly 
viisas = tark = wise
viisaus = tarkus = wisdom

keskiviikko 19. joulukuuta 2012

Helsinki Central railway station


The Finnish Railway system - known as VR (short for Valtion Rautatiet, i.e. State Railways) turned 150 years this year. This you can easily see now if you enter the Helsingin päärautatieasema (designed by Eliel Saarinen in 1904) from the Eliel Square. The station is indeed very central, with easy transfer to buses, trams and subway. The edifice is marked by the big kellotorni and by the four statues called "Lyhdynkantajat", added in 1914. They are well-known among the natives, especially since being utilized in numerous advertisements and TV-commercials under the name "Kivimiehet". These imaginative award winning commercials are fun to watch, and have also added to VR's popularity (which talvisin always declines due to delays caused by abundant snow and ice). Click below for one of them  - or two!

Monumental Environment Congress - Ennakko - JunaSkiKivimiehet Pietarissa - Kivimiehet Suomenlinnassa - Kivimiehet Turussa - Kivimies DreamingVR Elämä raiteillaan - VR Finland is getting smaller - VR Juna vie mukanaan - VR New Age of Train - VR PendolinoVR Train watchers - VR 150 years

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
asema = jaam = station
Helsingin päärautatieasema = Helsingi pearaudteejaam = Helsinki Central railway station
juna = rong = train
kellotorni = kellatorn = clocktower
kivimies = kivimees = stoneman
lukuisa = arvukas, rohkearvuline = numerous
lyhdynkantaja = lantern bearer
lyhty = latern = lantern
maanalainen, metro = allmaaraudtee, metroo = subway
mielikuvituksellinen = fantastiline, loominguline = imaginative, fantastic
paikallinen väestö = kohalik elanikkond = the natives
palkittu = auhinnatud = award winning
rautatieasema = raudteejaam = railway station
suosio = populaarsus = popularity
talvisin = talvel = wintertime
TV-mainos = TV-reklaam = TV commercial
vaihto (liikenteessä/in traffic) = ümberistumine = transfer
valtio = riik = state
viivästys = viivitus = delay
VR (Valtion rautatiet) = Finnish State Railways

Updated 20.12.2012

tiistai 18. joulukuuta 2012

Winter birds

Parus major
Wintertime when much of the nature sleeps awaiting for the kevät, the wintering birds liven up the city life. Here are some of the most common of the smaller ones, many of them found in both Helsinki and Tallinn. Check this great link (sorry, the text is only in Finnish, but look at the great pictures)! Read also a huvitav article (in English) published by the Helsinki University, titled Birds thrive on winter feeding. If you spot a city sparrow looking for toit on a busy Helsinki metro laituri - or on a supermarket aisle -  perhaps it is just to remind us that we need to feed them through the harsh winter. :)

Special treat: direct stream of a webcamera provided by Estonian ornithologists & placed at a bird feeding site (toidumaja) in Otepää in southern Estonia (daytime viewing recommended). Enjoy!

Tits vs. Redpolls (in Finnish) - about the territorial defense of tits.

Pyrrhula pyrrhula

Passer domesticus
Garrulus glandarius

Carduelis chloris

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
etsiä ruokaa = toitu otsida = to look for food
kaupunkielämä = city life
kevät = kevad = spring
käytävä = aisle
laituri = platvorm = platform
lintujen talviruokinta = lindude talvine toitmine = winter bird feeding
mielenkiintoinen = huvitav = interesting
muistuttaa = meelde tuletada = to remind
närhi = pasknäär = (the Eurasian) jay (Garrulus glandarius)
ornitologia, lintutiede = ornitoloogia, linnuteadus = ornithology
punatulkku = leevike = bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)
ruoka, ravinto = toit = food
sinitiainen = sinitihane = blue tit (Parus caeruleus)
talitiainen = rasvatihane  = great tit(mouse) (Parus major)
talvehtia = talvituda, ületalve pidada = to winter
tiainen = tihane = tit(mouse)
urpiainen = urvalind = Common Redpoll (Carduelis flammea)
varpunen = koduvarblane = house sparrow (Passer domesticus)
viherpeippo = rohevint = European Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris)

Updated 6.2.2013

perjantai 14. joulukuuta 2012

Friday Phrase 8

Pari päivää sitten  there was an article about snow. Let's continue on that theme, shall we! We have a somehat funny saying (a socalled tongue twister) in Finnish: "Luojan luoma lumenluoja Luojan luoman lumen luo". Certainly a good sentence for someone who has trouble pronouncing the strong Finnish r, that is for sure! But what is actually going on in that sentence?! It simply means that "A shoveler of snow,  created by the Creator, shovels the snow created by the Creator." Doesn't sound  anywhere near that fancy in English, does it?

Here are a few more Finnish tongue twisters (which often contain some variations).

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
hassu = naljakas = funny
jollekulle, jollekin = kellegi = for someone
kuulostaa = kõlada =  to sound
lause = lause = sentence
lumenluoja = lumekühveldaja = shoveler of snow
lumi = lumi = snow
luoda (minä luon) = luua (mina loon) = to create
luoda lunta = lund külveldada = to shovel snow
Luoja = looja = the Creator
luoja = külveldaja = shoveler
luoma = created (by)
pari päivää sitten = mõni päev tagasi = a couple of days ago
yksinkertaisesti = lihtsalt = simply
ääntää = hääldada = to pronounce

keskiviikko 12. joulukuuta 2012


Today's magical date, the triple twelve, gives a good reason to go through some numerals - which are always hea teada anyway! The Finnish and Estonian numerals are very similar. For example the Finnish kaksitoista and the Estonian kaksteist. They literally mean "two of the second (ten)", and the teens go like this all the way up to yhdeksäntoista, or üheksateist. And the digits are as follows (ordinal and cardinal):

0 nolla = null = zero
1 yksi, ensimmäinen = üks, esimene = one, first
2 kaksi, toinen = kaks, teine = two, second
3 kolme, kolmas = kolm, kolmas = three, third
4 neljä, neljäs = neli, neljas = four, fourth
5 viisi, viides = viis, viies = five, fifth
6 kuusi, kuudes = kuus, kuues = six, sixth
7 seitsemän, seitsemäs = seitse, seitsmes = seven, seventh
8 kahdeksan, kahdeksas = kaheksa, kaheksas = eight, eighth
9 yhdeksän, yhdeksäs = üheksa, üheksas = nine, ninth
10 kymmenen, kymmenes = kümme, kümnes = ten, tenth

So how would you say today's päivämäärä in Finnish? Simply 
kahdestoista joulukuuta, and in Estonian: kaheteistkümnes detsember. 
And here is how fast we count in Finnish (from one to ten): 
Numbers are fun, yes?

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
hyvä tietää = hea teada = good to know
kolmois- = kolmi- = triple
laskea = arvutada = to count
lukusanat = arvsõnad = numerals
numerot = numbrid = numbers, digits
päivämäärä = kuupäev  = date
samankaltainen = samasugune = similar
seuraavanlaisesti, seuraavalla tavalla = järgmiselt = as follows
taianomainen = maagiline = magical
toinen = teine = second

tiistai 11. joulukuuta 2012


Let's have a few words about lumi - that white fluffy thing now all around us. Snow is something that we may love to watch by the window when it is pouring down, but hate to tread on when it is a mushy mess järgmisel hommikul. Each snowflake is a marvel to look at on the palm of your hand for that split second, but when the flakes are wet and turn into water, and during a chilly night into ice - it's a bore to try to stay upright, and a miracle not to slip! When the snow shapes everything around us into a beautiful talvemaastik on a sunny day, that is perhaps winter at its best - no matter how jäätävän kylmää it is! 

How cold is it? (Celcius & Fahrenheit)
0C=32F,  -5=23F,  -10C=14F,  -15C=5F,  -20C=-4F
-25C=-13F,  -30C=-22F,  -35C=-31F,  -40C=-40F

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
aurinkoinen päivä = päikesepaisteline päev = sunny day
ihme = ime = miracle
ikkunan ääressä = akna juures = by the window
jäätävän kylmää = jäätavalt külm = freezing cold
kaunis = ilus, kaunis = beautiful
kylmä yö = külm öö = chilly night
kämmen = peopesa, kämmal  = palm (of the hand)
kämmenelläsi = su peopesal = on the palm of your hand
märkä, kostea = märg, niikse = wet, moist
parhaimmillaan = at its best
pehmeä, ilmava = udemeline = fluffy
pysytellä pystyssä = to try to stay upright
pysyä pystyssä = to stay upright 
seuraavana aamuna = järgmisel hommikul = the next morning
talvimaisema = talvemaastik = winter landscape

lumisanasto = lumesõnastik = snow vocabulary
aurata lunta = lund rookida = to plough the snow
ensilumi = esimene lumi = first snow
jää = jää = ice
lapioida lunta = lund kühveldada = to shovel snow
lumi = lumi = snow
lumihiutale = lumehelves = snowflake
lumikinos, hanki = lumehang = snowdrift
lumimyrsky = lumetorm = snow storm
lumipyry = lumetuisk = snowfall
lumisade = lumesadu = snowfall
lumisohjo = lörts = slush
lumivalkoinen = lumivalge = snowy, snow-white
lumi sulaa = lumi sulab =  the snow is melting
puuterilumi = powder snow
raekuuro = rahesadu = hail
räntä = lobjakas = sleet
sataa lunta = sajab lund, tuleb lumi maha = it is snowing
sataa rakeita = sajab rahet = it is hailing
sataa räntää = sajab lobjakat, sajab lörtsi = it is sleeting

maanantai 10. joulukuuta 2012

Youtube language videos

To assist you in learning suomea and/or eesti keelt, a new feature has now been added to this blog: youtube language videos!  You find links to click paremal pool as you scroll down the page a bit. Katso ja kuuntele, and have fun with these videos! New ones will follow.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
avustaa, auttaa = abistada, aidata = to assist
katso ja kuuntele = vaata ja kuula = watch and listen
klikata, napsauttaa = klõpsata = to click
klikata linkkiä = klõpsata linki = click (on) a link
linkki = link = link
lisätä = lisada = to add
oikealla (puolella) = paremal (pool) = on the right (side)
oikealla oleva linkki = paremal asetsev link = the link on the right
on lisätty = on lisatud  = has been added
oppia = õppida = to learn
rullata alas (hiirellä), vierittää = alla kerida = to scroll down (with the mouse)
sivu = lehekülg = page
suomea ja/tai eestiä (viroa) = soome ja/või eesti keelt = Finnish and/or Estonian (obj.)
toiminto = funktsioon = feature
vähän = natuke = a bit

sunnuntai 9. joulukuuta 2012

Tallinn Christmas Market

Tallinna jõuluturg Raekoja platsil has a lot to offer, among other things the famous jõulukuusk that has been placed in the square igal aastal since 1441 -  probably the oldest Christmas tree in Europe! The market is open every day between 10am and 7pm. You can buy here all sorts of käsitöö from mugs to mittens, and hot drinks and nice things to eat. There is a petting zoo for the children, and pony rides, and nädalavahetustel special Christmas programs. Walking in the Tallinn Christmas Market can at best feel like being in the middle of a medieval fairy tale.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
eläintarha = loomaaed = zoo
glögi = kuum jook = hot Christmas drink
joka vuosi = igal aastal = every year
joulu = jõulud = Christmas
joulukuusi = jõulukuusk =  Christmas tree
keskiaikainen = keskaegne = medieval
käsityö = käsitöö = handicraft
lapanen, kinnas, rukkanen = käbik, labakinnas = mitten
lapaset, kintaat, rukkaset = käbikud, labakindad = mittens
lapsille = lastele = for children
muki = kruus = mug
muun muassa = muu hulgas = among other things
parhaimmillaan = parimal juhul  = at best
poniajelu = poniga ratsutamine = pony ride
Raatihuoneen tori = Raekoja plats = Town Hall Square
satu = muinasjutt = fairy tale
viikonloppuisin = nädalavahetustel = on weekends

perjantai 7. joulukuuta 2012

Friday Phrase 7

There is an old Buddhist saying: 
“If we are facing in the right direction,  
all we have to do is keep on walking".

Vanha buddhalainen sanonta: 
Jos suunta on oikea, 
meidän tarvitsee vain jatkaa matkaa.

Vana budistlik õpetus: 
Kui oleme pöördunud õigesse suunda, 
siis pole meil vaja teha muud,  kui edasi minna.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
buddhalainen = budistlik = Buddhist
eteenpäin = edasi = forward
jatkaa = jätkata = to continue, keep on
jatkaa matkaa = edasi minna =  keep on walking
jos = kui = if
kulkea, mennä = minna = to go
kävellä = käia, kõndida = to walk
kääntyä = pöörduda = to turn
matka = reis, teekond = journey
meidän ei tarvitse = pole meil vaja = we don't need to
meidän tarvitsee vain = me peame ainult = we only need to
oikea = õige = right
suunta = suund = direction
tarpeen = vaja = necessary
tehdä muuta kuin = teha muud, kui = to do anything else but

keskiviikko 5. joulukuuta 2012

Independence Day

Tomorrow on December 6th is the liputuspäivä in Finland for it is time to celebrate the Finnish Independence. The most upfront event is the Linnan juhlat at Presidentinlinna - the Presidential Independence Day reception for the few chosen -  televised and watched by the rest of us (i.e. many of us). For several years there has also been an alternative "Vähävaraisten linnanjuhlat" organised by the philantroph Heikki Hursti at Hakaniementori. Other things to do on this special day:  to light blue and white candles, have a nice meal, commemorate the vets, watch "Tuntematon sotilas", listen to "Sininen ja valkoinen" - and to raise your own flag high. Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää kaikille! 

By the way, the Estonian iseseisvuspäev is 24. veebruar 

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
huomenna = homme = tomorrow
hyväntekijä = heategija = philantroph, benefactor
itsenäisyyspäivä = iseseisvuspäev = Independence Day
juhlat = pidu = feast, banquet, celebration
juhlia = pühitseda = to celebrate
järjestää = organiseerida = to organise
kaikille = kõikidele = to (you) all
kynttilä = küünal = candle
linna = loss, palee = castle, palace
liputuspäivä = lipupäev = flag day
muistella = mälestada = to commemorate
muita asioita = teisi äsju = other things
muuten = muide = by the way
nostaa = (üles) tõsta = to raise
näkyvä = näiv = upfront
Presidentinlinna = Presidensiloss = Presidential Palace
s.o. (se on ) =  i.e. (id est)
sininen = sinine = blue
sinivalkoinen = valgesinine = blue and white
sotaveteraani = veteran = vet
Tuntematon sotilas = Tundmatu sõjamees = The Unknown Soldier
vaihtoehtoinen = alternatiivne = alternative
valkoinen = valge = white
vähävarainen = vaene, kehv = indigent