keskiviikko 31. lokakuuta 2012

Hurricane Sandy 2

Here is some more about yesterday's hurricane news in Postimees: New Yorgis elava eestlanna Karoliina Raudsepa sõnul on seal praeguseks tuul juba väga tugev, murdunud on palju puid ning maha sadanud liiklusmärgid ja foorid. Orkaan peaks maale jõudma umbes nelja tunni pärast.
So Karoliina Raudsepp who lives in New York says that the wind is now already quite strong, lots of trees have been broken and traffic signs and lights have come down as well. The hurricane is expected to reach land in about four hours (yesterday's news...).

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
jo = juba = already
liikennemerkki = liiklusmärk  = traffic sign
liikennevalo = valgusfoor = traffic light
murtua = murduda = to break, be broken
neljän tunnin päästä = nelja tunni pärast = after four hours
noin, suunnilleen = umbes = about, approximately
nyt, tällä hetkellä  = praegu = now, at the moment
paljon puita = palju puid = lots of trees
puu = puu = tree
sangen = väga = quite, pretty
sataa = sadada = to rain
siellä = seal = there
tuuli = tuul = wind
voimakas = tugev = strong

Updated 31.10.2012

tiistai 30. lokakuuta 2012

Hurricane Sandy

New York City 30.10.2012
Here is some current news in the Estonian ajaleht Postimees: Hurricane Sandy, with the pealkiri "Orkaan Sandy märatseb USA idarannikul" (these headlines do vary). Anyway, promises - like any online-newspaper today can - that it hoiab lugejaid sündmustega jooksvalt kursis. Let's take one piece in the news: President Barack Obama kuulutas New Yorgi osariigi suurkatastroofi piirkonnaks. Suur osa New Yorgi linnast on endiselt üle ujutatud, transport seisab ning elektrita on umbes pool miljonit elanikku. Washington Posti andmetel on kogu riigis elektrita aga umbes 7,5 miljonit inimest. Got it?

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
aiheuttaa tuhoa = to wreak havoc
ajankohtainen = ajakohane, aktuaalne = current
alue = piirkond = region
asukas = elanik = resident
hirmumyrsky, hurrikaani = orkaan = hurricane
ilman sähköä, sähköttä = elektrita = without electricity
itärannikolla = idarannikul = on the east coast
joka tapauksessa = igal juhul  = anyway, at any rate
julistaa = kuulutada = to declare
koko maassa = kogu riigis = in the whole country
lehtikirjoitus, artikkeli = artikkel = article
liikenne seisoo = transport seisab = the traffic has been suspended 
lukea = lugeda (loen) = to read
lukija = lugeja = reader
myrsky = torm = storm
New York(in kaupunki) = New Yorgi linn = New York City
osavaltio = osariik = state
otsikko = pealkiri = headline
pitää lukijansa tapahtumien tasalla = hoiab lugejaid sündmustega jooksvalt kursis = will keep the reader uptodate with the events
postimies = postimees = mailman
pääkirjoitus = juhtkiri = leading arcticle
raivota, riehua = märatseda = to rage
sanomalehti = ajaleht = newspaper
suuri osa, iso osa = suur osa = a large part
sää = ilm = weather
säätiedotus = ilmateade = weather forecast
tapahtuma, tapaus = sündmus = event
tieto= andmed = data, information
tulipalo= tulekahju = fire
tulva = tulv = flood
tulvan alla =  üle ujutatud = flooded
ulkomailla = välismaal = abroad
uutiset = uudised = news
vaatia ihmishenkiä = nõuda inimelu = to claim lives
vielä, edelleen = endiselt = still
viimeksi päivitetty = viimati täiendatud = latest update
Washington Postin mukaan = Washington Posti andmetel = according to the Washington Post

Last update 30.10.2012

lauantai 27. lokakuuta 2012

Kristiine Keskus

Tallinn, the pealinn of Estonia, is an interesting place to visit, and this blog will be showing aeg-ajalt different sides of the city. Seekord: Kristiine Keskus. It is a nice shopping mall worth visiting even though you need to take a bus or a taxi to get there. You can take for example the linnaliin 4 which leaves opposite Kaubamaja. The closest bussipeatus in Kristiine will be on the "wrong" side of the road, but going back to the city is kerge - the bus stop is just outside the kaubakeskus.  Sometimes there is also the tasuta buss from the A- and D-harbors (check the timetable). Whichever way you get there, be sure to enjoy a nice lunch or dinner - for example at Pizza-Pasta - before you leave. Tule, võta aeg maha ja naudi!

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
aika ajoin= aeg-ajalt = from time to time 
bussipysäkki, linja-autopysäkki = bussipeatus = bus stop
eri = erinev = different
esimerkiksi = näiteks = for example
helppo(a) = kerge = easy
illallinen = õhtusöök = dinner
ilmainen bussi = tasuta buss = free bus
kaupunki = linn = city, town
kaupunkilinja = linnaliin = city line
lounas = lõunasöök = lunch
mennä bussilla = bussiga sõita = take the bus
mennä ostoksille = sisseoste tegema minna = go shopping
ostoskeskus, kauppakeskus = kaubakeskus = shopping mall
puoli = pool = side
pääkaupunki = pealinn = capital
takaisin = tagasi = back, back somewhere
tavaratalo = kaubamaja = department store
Tule, vaihda vapaalle ja nauti! = Tule, võta aeg maha ja naudi! = Come, take time off and enjoy!
tällä kertaa = seekord = this time
vastapäätä = vastas = opposite
väärä = väär = wrong

Päivitetty 31.10.2012

perjantai 26. lokakuuta 2012

Friday phrase

"Live and learn" is a nice way of saying that you are never too old to learn. As long as you live, you learn. In Finnish we would say "Oppia ikä kaikki". In Estonia "Inimene õpib kogu elu" - a person learns all his/her life. Anyway, most of us are curious to find out more. So, teretulemast to read, seuraavalla kerralla there will be an article about Tallinn!

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
Eesti, Viro = Eesti = Estonia
eestiksi, viroksi = eesti keeles = in Estonian
ehkä = võib-olla, ehk = maybe
ei koskaan = ei kunagi = never
elämä = elu = life
elää = elada = to live
ihminen = inimene = man, human being, person
ikä = iga = age
kaikki = kogu = all, whole
liian vanha = liiga vana = too old
niin kauan kuin = nii kaua kui = as long as
oppi = õpetus = teaching, lesson
oppia = õppida = to learn
sanonta = väljend = phrase, saying
seuraavalla kerralla = järgmine kord = next time
suomeksi = soome keeles = in Finnish
utelias = uudishimulik= curious

Comments appreciated.

Updated 31.10.2012

keskiviikko 24. lokakuuta 2012

Flag Day

Today is the United Nations Day. An appropriate päev to start this blog, and also talk a bit about flags and tickets here. Why tickets? Well, it so happens that the Finnish word for flag is the same as for ticket = lippu. In Estonian 'flag' is peaaegu the same (lipp) as in Finnish, but the word for ticket is pilet. Confusing? Flagpole would be lipputanko and ticket counter would be lippukassa.  Good luck with buying tickets - wherever you go!

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
lippu = lipp = flag
lippu, matkalippu = pilet, reisijapilet = ticket 
lippukassa, lippuluukku = piletikassa = ticket counter 
lipputanko = lipuvarras = flagpole
melkein, lähestulkoon = peaaegu = almost
miksi = miks, mispärast = why?
ostaa = osta = to buy
päivä = päev = day
sana = sõna = word
sopiva = sobiv, kohane = appropriate, fitting
tänään = täna = today
Yhdistyneet Kansakunnat = Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon = United Nations
YK =  ÜRO = UN 

Updated 31.10.2012

Arriving in Helsinki

Let us assume that you are arriving in Helsinki by ferry. You come with Tallink Star and enter the long matkustajaputki, which takes you to the terminaali. You are now in Länsiterminaali operated by Port of Helsinki. Where are you going? Most probably you want to get to the city of Helsinki. You can do that by taking the ratikka i.e.  tram number 9
See that tram link? You will find there an aikataulu (timetable) which gives you times when the tram leaves the harbor. Actually no need to go there at all since these trams go so often. Anyway good enough opportunity to go through something essential:  
ma-pe is short for maanantai-perjantai, meaning Monday-Friday. Lauantaisin means on Saturdays, and sunnuntaisin on Sundays. Have a nice stay in Helsinki!

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
aikataulu = sõiduplaan = timetable
keskiviikko = kolmapäev = Wednesday
lauantai = laupäev = Saturday
lauantaisin = on Saturdays
Länsiterminaali = Lääneterminal = West Harbor
ma-pe = Mon-Fri
maanantai = esmaspäev = Monday
matkustaja = reisija = passenger
matkustajaputki = reisijatetuubus = passenger pipe
perjantai = reede = Friday
ratikka, raitiovaunu, spora = tramm  = tram
sunnuntai = pühapäev = Sunday
sunnuntaisin = on Sundays
terminaali = terminal = terminal
tiistai  = teisipäev = Tuesday
torstai = neljapäev =Thursday
viikko = nädal = week

Updated - Päivitetty 27.10.2012


Hi everyone!
This new blog will deal with Helsinki and Tallinn and what it is to be travelling between these two cities, and visiting them from the point of view of an Estonian, Finn or foreigner (here: anyone else but Finnish and Estonian). The base language used here will be English, as a kind of neutral and binding thing, but the main purpose of this blog is to learn some Finnish and Estonian - with the help of English. Makes sense? You'll soon find out!

There will be constant updating, support functions, detail infos and vocabulary building to assist you in the reading of this blog. The tags (tunnisteet) are a great help - I suggest you use them. The Finnish-English-Estonian triplicity here is a bit uneven and shaky in the beginning, but the aim is that the Estonian language will come forth here more and more.

Tervetuloa! Teretulemast!  Welcome!

Updated -Päivitetty 24.10.2012