lauantai 16. maaliskuuta 2013

Vernal equinox

Up north we always look forward to the spring after another winter that seems just too long. Aren't we almost kind of entitled to spring latest by the spring equinox? So if and when takatalvi announces its coming, it is a bit disheartening for many of us. Still we all know that kevad on ukse ees. The days are getting longer after the equinox, the sun is melting the snow and ice, and there comes a day that the pavements are cleared from the winter's sand and you no longer have to watch your steps. Eläköön kevät!

PS. The spring equinox is around March 20th. Blackberry winter falls by definition after the equinox.

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
Eläköön kevät! = Elagu kevad! = Long live the spring!
jalkakäytävä = kõnnitee = pavement, sidewalk
kevät = kevad = spring
kevätpäiväntasaus = kevadine pööripäev, kevadine võrdpäevsus = vernal equinox, spring equinox
liian pitkä = liiga pikk = too long
lumi ja jää = lumi ja jää = snow and ice
olla oikeutettu = õigust omada = to be entitled to 
ovella = ukse ees, uksel = at the door
pohjoisessa = põhjapool = up north, in the north
päivät pitenevät = päevad pikenevad = the days are getting longer
takatalvi = tagatalv = blackberry winter
varoa askeleitaan = ettevaatlikult kõndida = to watch one's steps
viimeistään = hiljemalt = latest (by)

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