Let's try a joke in Estonian! A husband and wife situation. The wife is asking whether her rear would look smaller if she put her hair up in a bun. There are four võimalikud vastusevariandid in the thought balloon. What would you answer, and would you fare any better - since each answer anda mõista, et on suur tagumik. Perhaps the problem is in the question... For more similar anecdotes and jokes, go to igav.ee
sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
ajatuskupla = mõttemull = thought balloon
Annan ymmärtää, että on suuri takamus = Annan mõista, et on suur tagumik = I'm implying that she has a big rear
antaa ymmärtää, vihjailla = mõista anda = to imply
ehkä, voi olla = võib-olla = perhaps
ei aavistustakaan = pole aimugi = I have no idea
en tiedä = pole aimugi = I don't know (at all)
hiukset = juuksed = hair
iso, suuri = suur = big, large
jos = kui = if
kysymys = küsimus = question
mahdollinen = võimalik = possible
nuttura =krunn = bun, topknot
näyttää = paista = to look, seem, appear
pakarat = tuharad, istmik = buttocks
pärjätä paremmin = to fare better
takamus, takapuoli = tagumik = behind (of a person), backside, rear
vastaus = vastus = answer, reply
vastausvaihtoehto = vastusevariant = answer choice
vähemmän; pienempi = väiksem = less; smaller
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