perjantai 5. huhtikuuta 2013

Friday Phrase 13

Tällä kertaa the Friday Phrase goes light. Most of you may know the program Candid Camera, and how the host (e.g. Peter Funt)  always says the same phrase at the end: Smile - you're on Candid Camera! We have all smiled at the embarrassing or naljakas situations the unsuspecting "victims" are exposed to. In Finland we know the program by "Hymyile, olet piilokamerassa!", and in Estonia "Naeratage, te olete varjatud kaameras!" Which ever camera you are on, and no matter what the culture or language, we people are prone to laugh at more or less the same things. Cheers to that! Here is one funny video!

sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
avomielinen, suora, vilpitön = avameelne, siiras = candid
enemmän tai vähemmän = rohkem või vähem = more or less
hauska = naljakas = funny
Hymyilkää = Naeratage = Smile! (pl.)
juontaja = saatejuht = host
nauraa = naerda = to laugh
nolo = piinlik = embarrassing
nolo tilanne = piinlik olukord = an embarrassing situation
ohjelma = programm = program
(sinä) olet = sina oled = you are (sing.)
(te) olette = te olete = you are (pl.)
pahaa-aavistamaton = pahaaimamatu = unsuspecting
piilokamera = varjatud kaamera = candid camera
tällä kertaa = seekord = this time around
uhri = ohver = victim

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