How do you suppose that All roads lead to Rome? Well, they used to! Even the tiniest roads lead to a bigger road (and maybe an even bigger road) that lead to Rome. These days this fine phrase is used when we want to tell that it is okay to make your own, different decisions about a matter since in the end it will all be fine - you will be where you want to be, where you need to be. For Kaikki tiet vievät Roomaan. Kõik teed viivad Rooma. Believe it.
To see how this phrase translates into some other languages, click here. And in Latin? Omnes viae Romam ducunt.
sanasto = sõnastik = vocabulary
erilainen = erinev = different
kaikki tiet = kõik teed = all roads
lopussa = lõpus = in the end
nykyään = tänapäeval = these days, nowadays
pienimmätkin tiet = even the tiniest roads
ratkaisu = otsus = decision
Rooma = Rooma = Rome
suoraan = otse = directly
tie = tee = road
uskoa = uskuda = to believe
viedä, johtaa = viia = to lead
(Fin: vien, viet, vie, viemme, viette, vievät)
(Est: viin, viib, vii, viime, viite, viivad) = I lead, you lead, etc.
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